Temporary bliss

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                 KEITH POV

Coran had definitely lied. The zombies had recovered in a matter of minutes and soon they'd had a mob of zombies chasing them. Pidge must've lied too because the Walmart was at least 10 blocks away, though by the time they'd gotten to it the zombies and slowly filtered away becoming disinterested in their prey.

Keith slammed the doors of the Walmart closed with a snap, toppling over a couple of shelves to barricade the doors.
"Jesus, Keith watch it" Shiro cursed tripping backwards to avoid the falling shelves.
"Whatever, Help me move these"
He felt strong hands grip hold of the shelf..Shiro and hunk
"One..Two....three....Oof" they heaved the large shelf on top of the other until you couldn't even see out of the doors. Keith wiped his brow
"Go find food, and something to make a fire with... check for any survivors or zombies in here"
Allura nodded "I'll find something to make fire and some weapons too"
The spilt off into different directions and soon they were all huddled next to am electric fire and a Bunsen burner. Pidge had found sleepingbags and a radio. "Guys, I hooked the radio up to the computer earlier, there was frequency, a post-apocalyptic radio show? Or a call for help" She said excitedly.
"You have a connection? In the middle of the apocalypse?"
"I know I found it weird at first too, but What if it is survivors what if there's colonies" Pidge jabbered hooking it up to the computer
"But what if-"
"Shushhh I'm getting something" Pidge whispered. They all leaned in closer

Static.......w- static.....
"We here at Walker radio have come to warn anyone listening to the new danger of the apocalypse. We all know you're average zombie can't talk, maybe moan brains on the odd occasion but, there's a new breed of zombie. Talkers"
Keith stopped breathing.....new zombies?
"These new zombies are just like you or me, we believe that these new zombies were among the first to be given the 'cure' that started this mess. Instead of absorbing it, and turning zombie these new zombies must have  rejected it, killing them but still they remained somewhat alive. These new zombies can take alot more bullets to the head than you're normal zombie, they're super zombies you could say . The only Talkers we currently know about are:
Purple, we don't know his name but he's a white male around 20 years old with white hair.
He's tall and apparently has an English accent. He wears a purple suit

Blue, we don't know his name either but he's a latino male around 17,  he wear a blue jeans with and a hood always on his head, we are unable to identify his hair colour or facial features because of this.
I myself have met this individual he's extremely dangerous.

If you see anyone resembling this, no matter how nice they are. Run...."
The channel cut out.

"Well...shit" Coran cursed.

Keith stood up immediately "Check the store again hurry"
"The light isle and the pet isle are empty"  he called
.."Uh Guys..... I found someone" he heard Allura call.

He followed the sound of her voice, when he rounded the corner he saw the others were gathered too.
On top of one of the shelving units, the lumpy shape of a sleeping figure was just visible.
"Wait a sec... I'll get him" Hunk got his pointy rifle and gently pricked the guy. But he still wouldn't wake up. "Jeez is this guy dead or something"
Hunk pricked him again harder this time and the guys eyes flew open, before they could react he toppled off the shelf and fell in a heap on the ground.
The guy moaned "Jeez you can't let a guy sleep can you" he looked up.
Keith blushed as this guys eyes locked onto his. The guy on floor was about 17. The guy cracked a grin from where he was on the floor.
He reached a hand up "Hey the names Lance, and uh can I have a hand"
"Oh yeah uh sure..." Keith helped lance up and gulped when he saw him at his full height. This guy was at least 6'4.

Lance was Latino and he wore blue jeans and a blue and white shirt with a jacket tied around his waist. His brown hair was cropped short. He awkwardly held his hand out and blushed even more as Lance shook it "Well..Lance This is uh Hunk, our weapons and explosion expert, Pidge our computer expert , Shiro and Allura our leaders, Coran our other weapons expert and uh me..Keith"
Lance smiled, "Well nice to meet y'all" He spoke with a slight accent...Cuban maybe

World gone mad / A voltron zombie AuWhere stories live. Discover now