Whatever Your Family Says

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A boy went home from school. His homework was to put down the things his family said.


So he goes to his mother who was talking on the phone. The boy asked "Mum, can you help me do my homework? The mother says "Shut up!" And goes back talking on the phone. 

The boy wrote that down.

He then went to his father watching a football commercial saying "Hell yeah!"

So the boy wrote that down.

The boy went to his little sister and his sister said "Lollipop, Lollipop"

So the boy wrote that down.

The boy went to his little brother and the brother said "DUNDUNUNUNUN, BATMAN!"

So the boy wrote that down.


The next day, the boy went to school and the teacher said, "So what are the words?"

The boy said, "Shut up!"

The teacher, shocked, calmly said, "Do you want to go to the principal's office?"

The boy said "Hell yeah!"

So at the principal's office, the principal said, "What do you think you deserve in this situation?"

The boy said "Lollipop lollipop!"

The principal yelled, "Who do you think you are?!"

And the boy said "DUNUNUNUNU, BATMAN!"

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