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Since the incident where we went to kick the loving crap out of twilight Orge everything has been back to normal to which it had been before everyone went to Tenrou island. With everyone partying and drinking. I got to know all the people that had joined since I last was at the guild and became great friends with all of them. I learned about some of the incidents that happened since I be been gone, like the Edolas incident. I was sitting at the bar talking to Mira who was cleaning a glass when the guild doors burst open. Because they burst open everyone stopped what they were doing just to see what had happened and to see who was here.

In the door way stood lissanna. Almost everyone in the guild ran up to her, well everyone but the more new people that joined after what happened to Mira's younger sister. After they all greeted her they threw a huge party. As it went on I noticed how one blonde mage in particular was being ignored so I decided it would be best to hang out with her myself so she didn't feel lonely and felt like she was being ignored by everyone. "Hey. Your Lucy right? I've heard great things about you. I'm Akiko. And these guys are my companions." I introduced myself and wolves. "It's nice to meet you Akiko. If you haven't heard from the others, I'm Lucy heartfelia. I'm a celestial wizard." Lucy states depressingly. "Don't be so depressed how bout we go on a mission together. I have special permission to leave the guild to go on missions and take who ever I want." I said. She nodded and said something along the lines of sure I need money for for her rent anyways and that she'd go pick the job.

"Hey Lucy, wanna go on a mission with us?" I asked. "Sure. It's not like the others will notice I'm gone. Why don't you pick the job." She responds. Ok if that's how you wanna be then fine. I walk up to the job board down here so I could pick a relatively easy job.
"Hey Clara, go with her and come back once she picks a job and tell me which one she chose. Thank you" I stated to one of my wolves companions.

About five minutes later Clara came back and told me the details of the mission. Soon enough Lucy joined us again, on our way out she told me the details of it, I followed along with what she said so it wouldn't seem like I had someone already tell me about it. And before we knew it we were on the train on the way to the town where apperently there were reports of dragon like creatures in the mountains that have been bothering the citizens of the town. They seemed pretty urgent about their request also. I really hoped I wouldn't have to use my secret, only master, Erza, and Mira know about it. I am also a ice dragon Slayer, that's partially why I don't get along with flame brain. I honestly didn't want another person from the guild to find out about my dragon Slayer magic just so word wouldn't spread about there being yet another dragon Slayer at the guild since we already have like four slayers already while most other guilds have none to two in their guild.

But if my oh so big secret comes out then oh well then it will give me one more advantage at the GMG's if we participate this year. Since they started I have been a honorary comintator mostly cause I'm a s ranked wizard, a wizard saint, and a council member. So in other words I'm held as a high personnel when it comes to a lot of things. When we arrived at our stop we got off the train with our luggage and went to find a hotel before heading to the majors house to start the mission. When we reached the mayor's house we were shocked to find a lady in her twenties, about the same age as me answer the door, turned out she was the major but damn she was hot in a non homo way. But besides that she told us more info that we would need before we left to go back to the hotel to get a night's sleep before we did anything cause ya know traveling can take a lot out of a person and their companions if they have any.

Yo everyone! Sorry I haven't been active like I used to but this last school year I was a sophomore in HS and was loaded with a bunch of homework and had a lot of practices I needed to attend the last half of the year for track and field. Do long story short thanks to school I have been jammed so I couldn't write anything. Also as a heads up for those reading this before the week of July 8th 2019 it's fair warning that I won't be able to update that week due to being at a camo for a little bit on the 8th and the the rest of the week full time from that Tuesday to around noon on that Saturday. Thanks for reading my book!

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