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*time skip to when everyone gets back*

I was out and about on the current masters orders to get supplies for the guild. On my way back I ran into a sight I never thought I would see again. I saw everyone else who was supposed to be stuck on our sacred island. "Escort girls, let's get all these people back to the guild." I whispered to the wolves. They went into action immediately by encircling the group. One by one the group noticed the pure white wolves surrounding them and went into battle mode. At this I laughed, a cold but joyful laugh. When I did everyone's head spun around to me before I was tackled by basically everyone in the group.

As we walked back to the guild we caught back up and had a good laugh. When we arrived we noticed figures in the door, I motioned to the wolves to hold everyone back for a minute so we could fully tell what was going on. I could definitely hear Romeo's voice on the other side, that was what broke my train of thought. "Screw your master.-" "Watch it Romeo." "- your not getting any money from us today. -" "I suggest you drop the attitude brat." "You may be able to boss dad and the others around because their scared of standing up to you. If they won't I will! I won't let you disgrace Fairy Tail's good name!" Romeo said. "Romeo!" "Stupid kid!" Macao and wakaba yelled.

I noticed one in the front moving to attack so I whispered release to the wolves so they would no longer keep anyone back which I was right. Right then Natsu shot forward and kicked that guy basically through the roof. After knocking the guys down and kicking,them out of the guild hall we celebrated the guild's return to senior normalcy member craziness wise.

Later on master approached me and requested to meet with me outside and to bring half of my wolves with me. In which as I hung out with my wolves till I noticed Mira and Erza making their way to the door. I motioned to my wolves for half to follow me and left the building and proceed to meet up with the two other mages.


Mira, Erza and I stood behind master who was sitting on the couch in front of us, conversing with the Twilight Orge's guild master. I wasn't paying much attention to what was being said till the other guild master stood suddenly and started yelling. "- as memory serves that your guild's Creed, much like an eye for an eye." Master stated. Erza went on to say something next, then Mira after her. When each started talking their respective power started to manafested around them in their respective color, like for instance Erza started to glow red and Mira started to glow this purple color. "They are right you know. We weren't the best guild around before the disappearance of the majority of or most powerful mages for no reason." I stated. At this point I was glowing a threating shade of blue, my power showing a little like my fellow guild mates and master.

Master grew in size as his magic started to show, Erza requipted, Mira changed into one of her Satan soul forms, and me? Well I stayed the same except for my ears elongated from normal human ears to very pointy ones, the wolves that came with me all looked ten times more scarier than they did before. As master peered down at the other master, Mira, Erza, my wolves, and I all turned to the guild members that stood behind us, making them fear us even more. Soon after punches and magic started to fly. Once everyone besides the four of us were knocked out cold on the floor we left to return home for the night.

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