Chapter 2

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Mission completed.


I walked down the street towards my house but because I just wanna be outside longer so I go through the park. The park only had a few people, I looked to my right and squinted and saw Sulem. I smirked and walked over to her yoga group.

"That's seems fun" I smiled at her teacher making her blush, Sulem then looked up and gasped then looked down then looked somewhere else.

"It is, May I say your very handsome" a woman complimented

"Thanks I get that a lot, Hey uh Sara can I borrow Sulem for sec" I asked the teacher reading her name tag.

"Sure" she smiled and I helped Sulem up while we began walking

"What's up beautiful, you been hiding from me?" I smirked and she chucked

"Yea you wish" she rolled her eyes, I was about to speak then I spotted a group of boys who I knew came to fuck with Sulem.

"Kiss me" I said mumbled in hurry

"What no." She said

"Look ma, if you tryna get fucked over by the group of nig..." she cut me off by wrapping one arm around my neck and pressing her lips on mine. I gripped her Waist then saw from the corner of my eye that the guys had walked away. I moved my hands lower down her back giving her butt a little squeeze.

"They gone" I whispered on her lips and she slowly pulled away, I knew she wanted more by the way she was looking at me.

"Thank you" she blushed

"I mean you can get more of those" I grinned

"Goodbye Chris" She waved me off but I grabbed her arm

"Gimme ya' number" I smiled at her while she pulled her phone out and handed it to me

"Call me Yea?" I smiled handing it back to her after I had entered my number and she nodded.

"I mean I'll try..." she smirked

"C'mere" I pulled her into a hug

"But for real baby girl hit me up, we got unfinished business" I winked at her and went my way. She got soft ass lips though so I'm definitely tryna see what else that mouth can do.

When I got home I heard moaning, I saw clothes flung around the living room and I instantly got mad. I walked up the stairs and kicked the master bedroom door down seeing Kenya on top off some random nigga.

"Yo! What the fuck?!" I yelled

"C-Chris...I-I can explain" Kenya stuttered walking towards me

"Get the fuck out my house!" I shouted

"Chris please!" She begged

"GET THE FUCK OUT!!" I yelled


I rubbed my hands over my face and called Sulem

"Hey Chris" I heard her say

"Wassup ma, can I come over?" I asked

"hmmm....Sure" she said

"Aight send me your address" I said smirking

"Ok I will do" she hung up then I wore my shoes and a message came in from her. Her address.


I knocked on the front door and I heard   someone coming.

"Hey!" She smiled and I bite my lip looking at her body, she only had a black lace bra and panties on but I don't think she realized.

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