Twelve: Enjoy the Ride

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FRIDAY. And not even noon yet.

Homeroom ended and I shot out of my desk, practically running for the door. Between the whispers around me and Raven's stimulating conversation, I was just done. I crashed through the door and there he was, my angel. My Luke.

He caught hold of my hand and we started running, careening down the hall dodging around slow moving students trickling out of classrooms, already bored and disengaged from their day. We moved through them like cheetahs cutting through a herd of drunken wildebeests, complete with wide-eyed panic and brays of alarm as my sexy wildcat swept me around and past them without ever breaking stride. If I thought Gabe and Victor moved like panthers... they looked like lazy house cats next to Luke.

He took my breath away, every time.

And it wasn't just how he moved, the play of long, lean muscles under his skin or the fluid elasticity of his joints. It wasn't just how he made his body bend and flow into impossible positions to sweep around our classmates like they were stationary objects, pulling me behind him and guiding me along the same path so I flowed behind in his wake effortlessly. It was how he looked as he flew through the space, the wide grin and sparkle in his eyes. The laughter we shared at each new challenge overcome and disappearing behind us. The grip he had on my hand, like he'd never let go. Like the two of us would go on racing across the world forever, no power in the 'verse can stop us.

And then we were safe inside an empty classroom up on the abandoned second floor, his shirt on the floor, my dress hitched up so my legs could wrap around him with ankles locked at his lower back. I was partly on a desk but mostly just pinned against the wall, his hands gripping my ass as mine roamed freely over the sculpted perfection of his naked back and chest, tangled in his long hair, and holding his head steady so I could drink my fill. Our mouths hadn't separated since the door creaked shut behind us.

I could feel him, hard and getting harder, pressing between my legs in the spot that ached for more. Some part of me thought this wasn't the time or place, but that part was overruled by the rest of me that was so in love with Luke, that wanted him so badly, wanted to feel everything I could, wanted him inside me, wanted...

He broke the kiss and pushed my hand away from where I was fumbling with his zipper. "No, Cupcake, not here. I just want to kiss you, feel your skin against mine," his voice was strained, it was taking so much willpower to stop me, and it wasn't fair to put that all on him. I needed to get myself under control. I gave him a caress - okay, more like a squeeze - and pulled my hand away even though his rasping moan practically begged me for more. "Thank you," he wheezed out, smiling ruefully, then rested his forehead against mine. We didn't move until our breathing had slowed from ragged panting to a more relaxed, calm state.

Then he kissed me again, slow and sweet, and the urgent heat from before was supplanted with a deeper, steadier blaze inside, one that wouldn't flare up quickly, consuming everything in sight, only to die from lack of fuel. This was a smaller flame, but no less intense, and this one would burn forever.

"There's never going to be a time when I don't want you, Luke. When I don't need you. I'm in love with you, Lucian Taylor, and I always will be."

"Dammit, Sang," he slumped a bit, shaking his head. "I wanted to say it first."

I shrugged. "Too bad you're so slow and clumsy. I win!"

"Mmhmm," he agreed, dotting kisses over my face and neck. "That's right, Cupcake, you sure did."

"Hmpf," I pouted, pretending like his mouth on me wasn't making my brain short-circuit and shut down. "Just so it's on the record that I was first..."

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