Crashed - Part 5

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It felt like just moments had passed after I had found a comfortable place to rest my arm when Merle woke me up again. He ran a finger up and down my cheek and clicked his tongue. My eyes slowly opened at first, then I woke with a start when I realized we weren't alone.

Behind Merle stood three aliens like the one I saw earlier in the day. One could have been the one who had helped us, but I didn't know the species well enough to tell them apart. One held a metal box, another held what looked like a gun. I shrunk into my hammock when I saw the gun.

Merle started talking to me in an attempt to soothe me. He used the words for hurt, doctor (a word which did nothing to calm me), car, and carrier. I realized my arm had stopped hurting as much, and looked down at my arm. I had bled through the bandage already, and it didn't seem any better. I quickly realized my entire arm was numb, I couldn't move my hand. He started touching my face, using more words i understood, just before I felt a sharp prick on my neck.

I whipped around behind me to see a fourth alien had stuck me with a needle of some sort. I was livid, Merle had been distracting me so this jerk could stick me with a needle. Merle put is hand on my shoulder, gently moving me back into a laying position while my world went black.


I didn't panic when I first woke up, I still felt heavily drugged and I don't think I could've panicked if I wanted to. It felt difficult to open my eyes, so it took me a while to realize I couldn't move my limbs. I slowly realized I was heavily restrained, unable to move much at all.

I felt Merle's hand on my cheek again. I looked up at him, confused, but too drugged to be upset. I heard the word for human several times, but it was hard to understand much in my state. I was slowly coming to, I could hear a heart monitor in the back and realized I had one on the finger of my good hand.

I looked down at my bad arm. It was unwrapped, and I swear the punctures grew in size since the bite. The startling thing was the gloved hand I saw working on the arm. I couldn't feel it in the slightest, it was like looking at another arm. He was cleaning the wounds with some kind of wipe.

I heard Merle say my name. After I slowly turned to look at him, he started speaking to me again. Remembering the trick from earlier, I whipped my head back to see what was being done to my arm. Nothing was being done that I hadn't seen, the doctor had moved on to another puncture.

A couple aliens talked to Merle, and I saw him nod. Next thing I knew, a blinding cloth had been thrown over my head. Unable to remove it, my fighting didn't do much. After a minute or two, I relaxed and stopped the struggling. Merle stayed nearby, stroking my good arm and speaking to me. I didn't do much more than groan at him, I was upset.

After some time blinded, the cloth was slowly removed. I immediately looked at my arm, it had been stitched up. The arm was still numb, but at least It wasn't filled with more holes than Swiss cheese. I tried moving it again, no dice.

I looked back just in time to see the doctor put something into my IV. I felt it sting when it entered my body, and I lost consciousness again.


As my eyes slowly opened once more, I realized I had been moved once again. I wasn't restrained anymore, I had free movement of all my limbs. My messed up arm was bandaged to my body like a broken arm, so that it didn't drag when I moved. I was lying on a bed in a mostly empty room, a toilet in the corner and not much more. Two walls were metal bars. Much more lucid, I called for Merle.

He didn't come. After calling again, an alien came in. He spoke to me in a language completely unlike Merle's, and I couldn't be sure if he was trying to comfort me. Another one followed, and they spoke together.

"Where's Merle?" I said, upset. They just kept talking. I sighed. They weren't going to answer, get Merle,or do anything of any help to me.

A third one came in with a tray. They said it under the bars of my cage. It had some kind of food on it, a dull brown color. I took a bite of one piece, it was stale, but not entirely bland. Certainly not anything I'd get excited over. It was hard, but not extremely crunchy. I only managed a few pieces before I slid the tray back and returned to my bed to sulk.

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