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I'd worked it out! That one sentence and those two words India said changed everything I thought I knew about mine and her abilities.


For me to truly understand what I was working with, I needed India to be on the same page as me.

"India, do you realise what you said?" I asked, excited by this discovery. Confused by my sudden emotional change, India gave me a curious look.

"No, what do you mean, Sienna? Your face has completely changed." She replied. Suddenly, I had so much to say in such a short space of time. I had a million questions, answers, explanations, whatever and I finally felt as if my overlying question had just been answered: Like a balloon being popped.

"What you said could potentially describe the whole reason we're here. I never said out loud that I wanted to ask you questions, but I sure as hell was thinking it. So how did you know that's what I wanted?" I questioned. India looked baffled, as if I'd told her that elephants were fricking green.

"Sienna, what the hell are you on about? I literally heard you say it so stop acting like I've fucking read your mi-"

"YOU HAVE! I NEVER SAID THAT OUT LOUD. Don't you see what this means, India? I get that sometimes too, I'll answer a question no one asked and then someone will ask how I knew that's what they were thinking. What if it's deeper than just coincidence that we both feel like this?" I blurted out, very quickly. I noticed the slow realisation on her face appear as I continued: "I swear on my life that I didn't say that out loud. What if it truly is soul deep? Then what? What does it mean and how would it affect ou-"

"Look Sienna I know what you're saying is probably the truth but I need to go. This is too much." She cut me off, obviously panicked. India ran away before I could stop her and I was left standing by the bridge, listening to the steady flow of the river.

I needed to talk to India again, but this time:

~More personal

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