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I don't believe what I can do is something to be ashamed of, after all, it gives me an advantage when I meet new people. Friends claimed I should've gone into Psychology or Therapy related businesses. 

I disagree.

I disagree because if I were to follow what they believed I should do, I would be abusing my talent, my... blessing?... Yes! My blessing! It's no less than a blessing and has only given me joy, no pain. So there is no way it could be a curse, not from my point of view anyway.

I fail to believe that being able to do what I can do can ever be considered a curse. Well, maybe if it fell into the wrong hands but that isn't the point. When I look at a tree, I don't just see a motionless living plant, I see a burial ground of memories and good times. I can imagine the 8 year old boy climbing the tree a little bit too high just so he could see the look on his mum's face when she could barely see him through the foliage. I imagine the makeshift swing, a grave in itself full of memories, the accidental injuries, the giggles, maybe a first kiss, maybe a last. The thoughts never stop speaking to me in a way I cannot describe.

When I look at an abandoned water-tower, I don't see neglect, I see rebellion, memories, whatever. I see the insecure teenage boy with his mate trying to boost his fragile ego and popularity status by writing his name in spray paint 200ft in the air. I remember (even though I was never there) the cricket ball hit, perhaps, a little too high and lost in the deep crater of the tower. The shocked gasps, the laughs, the "oh no's". I imagine it all

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