Snowball ~ Mitch

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I was inspired to write this because my friend is so in love with this girl who hates him. So basically every love cliche to ever exist.


Being an assassin is not all fun and games. The killing people part specifically. I've been working for the CIA assassin group Orion for about 2 years now. Terrorists killed my boyfriend and our 2 year old child and I did what any person with baggage would do. Figure out a way to let it go.

I was 18 when I first got pregnant. I was young and stupid. But me and my boyfriend made it work. He surprised me and our daughter with a trip to Ibiza. Gunshots were fired and it ended tragically.

Ironically, another assassin in Orion, Mitch Rapp, was also at the Ibiza shooting. We instantly connected over our losses. Me losing my family. Him losing his fiancée.

After about a year working with Mitch, I started developing feelings for him. Like all cliches, he had heart eyes for another girl. We both promised we wouldn't fall in love again. It's safe to assume we both broke it.

"Y/L/N," I heard Stan call from the living room. I sigh and walk to him.

"Yes Hurley?" I ask. He's on his laptop, his face with an unreadable expression. He sighs. "Is everything okay?"

"I'm giving you the next week off. No missions. Nada," he says. I'm shocked.

"Sir, are you feeling well? I think you might have a brain injury or something because you're not making sense," I say. Stan chuckles.

"Next week is the two year anniversary of the shooting in Ibiza. The death of your daughter and boyfriend." I sigh. I've been regretting that day for a while now. "I don't know if you'll be willing to hold a gun during this time," he says sincerely.

"Thank you Hurley. But what about Mitch?" I know Mitch would get defensive if I got the week off and he didn't.

"I'm sure you and Rapp can figure out something productive to do during this time," he says. I sigh and walk away to find Mitch.

I find him chopping up firewood. I run to him and jump on his back. He screams like a girl and I start laughing.

"What the hell, Y/N?" he yells. I laugh even more. I jump off his back and fall on the grass. Once I calm down, I sit up and stare at the moles sprinkled across his face.

"You know that the day is coming up?" I ask. He sighs and sits down in front of me. He hugs his knees.

"Yeah I know."

"Well Hurley gave us both the week off. You know for our sanity," we both start chuckling. "You know," I begin. "We should go up to the mountains. Rent a cabin for a few days."

"I don't know Y/N. I was planning to ask Annika out soon." He sighs. (let's pretend Annika didn't die) I sigh.

"Okay well I'm going so you do whatever I guess," I say while standing up.

"Y/N," he calls out as I'm walking away. I ignore him and head back into the house.

A week later...

I'm unpacking my bags inside the log cabin I rented out for myself. I was really hoping to spend the anniversary with Mitch but it seemed like he already moved on from his fiancée. Meanwhile I'm here grieving my daughter and her father.

The cabin I rented has three rooms. If Mitch decides to come, there's a room waiting for him. I doubt it. I bet he's fucking Annika by now. I mean she's beautiful. He's more than handsome. Beautiful people herd together and make beautiful children together.

I gulp down a small bottle of tequila that I packed. I look out the windows and see snowflakes falling. I smile with tears in my eyes. Y/D/N (your daughter's name) loved snow so much. She was so little.

I laugh and run out into the cold atmosphere. No coat. No shoes. Just a T-shirt, jeans and socks. I might catch pneumonia but I don't care. One step closer to my family who left me behind I guess.

I run throughout the snowy woods, laughing so loud. I make a snowman. I make snow angels. I kick up the soft ice. I laugh and laugh until I lose feeling in my legs. I lay in the snow. I sigh.

"Having fun without me huh?" I stood up at the sudden boom of a familiar voice. I sigh in relief when I see Mitch, bundled up in a black coat. He looks so warm.

"How did you find me?" I ask.

"I'm an assassin. I know how to find people. What the hell are you doing out in 0 degree weather in a T-shirt and socks?" I roll my eyes. Mitch crosses his arms.

"How was sex with Annika?" His ears and cheeks instantly become as red as a firetruck. I start giggling like a 5 year old.

"I didn't even get to first base so shut up."

"I knew it," I slur. Mitch gives me a look. He knows I'm drunk.

"What did you drink?"

"Tequila," I giggle while dragging out the last vowel. He sighs and picks me up bridal style. I giggle and start kissing his neck.

"Y/N. What are you doing?"

"Kissing your neck." He sighs. I giggle again.

He carries me in the cabin and lays me down on the couch. I grab his arm before he walks away.

"What's wrong," Mitch asks.

"Stop falling in love with girls who will never love you as much as I do," I slur before blacking out.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2018 ⏰

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