Chapter 9.

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(Brendon's p.o.v)

       I knew it, I fucking knew it. Okay maybe I didn't know, but I assumed. She took him back, she took MY Ryro away from me. He's not hers, he doesn't even want to be with her. How the hell am I going to get him back? Yea, that's right, I'm going to get him back no matter what it takes. I will not go down without a fight. I'm not afraid to hit a bitch, you saw what I did earlier at school.

          Speaking of what happened at school, my parents are coming home early from work because apparently the Principal wanted them to talk to me about my behavior? I really do not care one tiny bit about any of this, I'm only concerned if Ryan is okay. That is literally all that is on my mind.

"Is Ryan okay?"

"What is happening,"

"Is he hurt?"

     I am sitting on the opposite couch from the one me and Ryan slept on, avoiding all possible memories, but it just hits me like bricks looking at it. My parents came in the door, giving me an angry look. On the bright side this is the most attention they have given me this year.

"Brendon Boyd Urie!" My Mom rushes to my couch with hands on her hip, my Dad follows, tiredly. I look straight passed her, staring at a nothing.

"Brendon!" She says louder. I slowly look up at her. Her face has a look that says, you-are-in-so-much-trouble-for-making-us-come-home-from-work look. I nod and motion for her to continue.

She scoffs, "I can't believe you would throw a book at a innocent girl! What the hell happened to you Brendon?" She says as if she knows me, she doesn't know a thing. I try to brace myself and not say anything I will regret later.

"I was in a bad mood," I simply say. Her eyebrows raise, "How could you be in a bad mood? You don't have anything to worry about, your always alone!" She raises her voice.

"Exactly," I mutter. My father instantly looks in my direction when I say that, "Are you in a bad mood cause your alone all the time?" He says more nicely than my mother. I nod honestly, maybe things will change, but I don't want things to change, I have Ryan now.

"Well you know that we have work Bren-" My mother says but I cut her off, "Yea, I know." I look away from her glare and over at the clock, 5 p.m.

"Well you do know there will be consequences," I shoot a look at her. "You will be grounded for a week, no going out except school and work. No change really." She says crossing her arms. What? No. The only time I NEED to go out, I can't. I just can't leave Ryan with his "owner' for that long, who knows what she will do. Ryan has told me pretty wicked stories, and not the good wicked.

"Are you going to be home?" I say angrily. They shake their head, of course. "But we are trusting you to obey the rules, understand?" My father finally says. I nod and push past them to my room. I slam the door like any angry teenager would and sit on my window seat in the far corner.

 I stare out of the window, wondering where she is keeping him. My body jerks with an idea. I rush over to the phone book I keep in my dresser and look up Audrey's name, there are about 20 Audrey's in the column. I take the house phone and start to dial the first one.

       I got the wrong number at least 12 times, it was awkward telling them it was a wrong number. I finally reach this one with the name Audrey K. I type in the number and wait for it start ringing. Thankfully, it starts to ring. I twirl the line in my fingers, waiting for a pick up.

"Hello?" A familiar female voice said. Jackpot.

"Hey Audrey, it's me, Brendon." I fakely say, putting a tone of interest. "Hey Brendon! What's up?"

"I was wondering if you were busy tonight, maybe I could come over," I said, flirty. I practically gag in my mouth after saying that. She's speechless and makes 'um' noises.

"Yea sure, come over in 10?" She finally resulted to. A familiar noise rang on the other line, a soft meow. "Shut up!" She yells to what seems far away. I know who it is.

"Who was that," I fake a chuckle. She laughs, "Just a neighbor, so yea see you later." She quickly hangs up. I grunt and put on something decent. I go around in my dresser and pull out, it was the shirt Ryan wore one time. I shook my head, don't worry, your getting him back tonight, no matter what.

         I straighten my hair and apply some eyeliner Ryan made me buy the other day. I didn't even bother going through the front door. I just left a note on my door saying "Leave me alone," and I locked it. I went out of the window, lucky I have a one story house.

         I followed the slip of her address that attached to her name in the phone book, it was kind of far away for me to walk. I managed to finally make it to her street after awhile of walking. I started getting nervous, what if I was caught while trying to get Ryan? I made it to her house, it was quite big. Green walls on the outside and white stairs that led to the wood door. Her garden was completely dead and a no trespassing sign was on the backyard door.

     I knocked on the door too quietly, too my surprise the door swung right open. Audrey stood there with a red maxi dress on and her hair up in a pony tail. I faked a smile and she motioned me inside. I'm inside the bitch's lair, now what?

"You look handsome," She flirts and I follow her to the kitchen. Okay plan A.

1) Make conversation for a couple minutes.

2) Go to the bathroom and look for Ryro.

 "Thanks, so do you," I say back. She looks at me with a strange look. What? Can't take a manly compliment, I like men anyways. 'Okay," She laughs and goes to the fridge.

"So, nice place." I try to converse. "Thank you, I put it together myself," She said while grabbing two bottles of beer. I don't drink. I don't think she actually knows my age? I'm just the smoothie shop boy.

   She places the beer in front of me, "No thanks, I'm not an alcoholic." I try to cover up my age.

"Just drink it," She giggles and scoots closer to me.

"Oh hey, look at the time. I need to pee. Where is your bathroom?" I ask cooly. She gives me a strange glare again and says, "Down the hall to the left," She says and downs her beer. I nod and rush down the hall, not acting suspicious at all.

     I go down the hall until I'm out of sight and look in rooms, nothing. There was a room full of books even, and also a room of weird elixirs. Ryan wasn't joking when he said she was a witch. Where the hell could he be? Think of the movies and witches. Where would their test subjects be? I shiver at the thought of him being tested on, which only motivates me more.

     A basement, or a dungeon would be the stereotypical place. I keep looking around the house, avoiding the kitchen.

"Brendon?" I practically jump and turn around. I freeze.

"What are you doing?" She sounds like she is catching up. Quick, think of something, "Oh, just looking for your cat that you said you found, was always curious what he looked liked." I manage to make up a good lie, well half of it was a lie.

"He's sleeping, wait- How'd you know it was a boy?" She says suspiciously. I shake my head. Crap. "You said it to me before, remember."

"I guess your right. Let's go to the living room." She says tugging me along with her.

Oh great.

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