18. Reaching Rome

Start from the beginning

"I'm glad too." Misty blushed. "I feel alive again."

"Well, have fun..." May said. She whispered before closed the door after her. "... burning calories!"

"Oh, you..." Misty sighed heavily. She put her arms on her desk and rested her head on them.

"I never held a grudge in the first place."

Knock knock

"Come on in."

Ash opened the large wooden dark door leading to President's office and got inside slowly.

"Please take a seat."

"Thank you."

President was sitting at his reunion table. Ash took a seat across from him and put down his papers.

"Please approach."

Ash gulped. He grabbed his papers and took a seat right beside President this time. He took a deep breath.

"So." The older man began. He smiled. "Welcome. We missed you."

"Thanks..." It's been a week since Ash has gotten back to work. It was a big deal as Ash barely took any vacations and always let his days off go to waste.

"I hope everything is fine back home."

"Everything is fine. Thanks for asking."

"You look in good health as well."

Ash smiled.

"I think it's time for business, then." President Lee sat back on his leather chair. "Lately, I haven't been able to catch you after everyone leaves."

Ash panicked. "Actually, I have-"

"And I figured out it must be one of Misty's works." The older man chuckled. "She's a tough one, isn't she?"

Ash blushed in embarrassment. "I..." He looked at his boss. "I don't mix up professional and personal."

"I trust that." He nodded. "I'm not saying it's a bad thing. You need to get home on time to take care of yourself and your mind."


President put his hands on the table. "Ever since you and Misty got promoted, you haven't been able to work as a team. You couldn't dispatch work, you couldn't lead reunions without arguing, you fought over business dinners with clients and you weren't in sync when it comes to informing our partners. You even gave contradicting updates."

"I-I didn't know it was this bad. I'm very sorry, sir." Ash had no idea it was that childish. He felt ashamed.

"I know you both work very hard, maybe a lot harder than you should be. You've spent nights here, Ash. You slept here too. I've always appreciated how dedicated you are and I still do, but I wished it'd be with Misty so you could help each other instead of overworking."

Ash didn't comment.

"I have noticed recently this..." President smiled a bit. "... this little thing going on..."


"I'm not sure how it exactly happened, but I've been watching this from behind; I let you both go on leave. I wanted to see how it'd turn out." He said. "Recently, Raja has been handing me reports that have your work and Misty's."

"We've been working..."

President laughed a bit. "I think you should have started dating a long time ago."

Ash turned red. "It's not—work is totally indepen-"

"Ash." He said. "I'm glad you're working with Misty."


"I'm glad, my son. I'm really glad." He nodded. "I'm glad to see you two finally working as a team."

"Honestly, I don't like—I'd never want to mix up my personal life with work, but..." Ash sighed. "I got to know her and we just realized all the arguing was for nothing and..."

"I believe Misty was the reticent one." He said. "She adopted that attitude for a reason."

Ash chuckled a bit. "It's silly, really..."

"And I promised she'd become vice-president when she changes her attitude." President smiled. "She's changed."

Ash smiled. "I think she'll be very happy to hear this."

"She's learned like I asked her to, after all. She followed my recommendations." He shrugged. "She's chosen a different path..."

Ash chuckled.

"But all roads lead to Rome." The older man nodded. "Aren't I right?"

"You're right, sir."

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