10. High heels

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"I'll be at President's office."

"Alright, sir."

Ash closed the door of his office and started making his way to the CEO's office. Misty happened to be leaving her office right when he walked past it.

Ash paused for a moment. He smiled. "Good morning, Misty."

"Hum, hi." Misty walked past him in the opposite direction, not giving Ash any time.

Ash turned around, his gaze following as Misty walked away. He didn't understand why she acted that way.

He cleared his throat and headed to President's office.

"Alright, then." President tossed the folder aside after he signed on the papers. "Let's talk about other important matters."

Ash organized the papers inside the folder.

"How is Misty?" He smiled. "Is she still sticking her nose up in the air?"

Ash chuckled.

"She's incredible." The President nodded. "If only she wasn't a little too proud of herself..."

"Well..." Ash didn't know what to say. Recently, he's been having mixed feelings about the redhead. Usually, he'd retort right away when President praises Misty and say she doesn't deserve any of it. He wouldn't stop talking about how bad she is.

"What do you think, Mr. Ketchum?"

Ash leaned back on his chair. "I think..." He looked at the old man. "I need more time to think about this."

"If you want to think about it, then we're moving forward!" He laughed.

"I think she's trying."

"Misty has great abilities. She can convince very easily. She has a great presence. She dominates the scene! She's very talented." President nodded. "I don't want her to leave the company and I want to make her motivated, but she needs to act less..."

"She's a stuck-up."

It made the older man laugh. "She's a young, beautiful, successful woman, Mr. Ketchum. You need to understand that!"

Ash's features softened.

"She is."

Misty was heading to the elevator when she felt someone grab her arm. She turned around, recognizing Ash from his usual citrus fragrance.

"Oh, it's you." Misty stood straight. "You scared me."

"I'm sorry." Ash chuckled nervously. "I was calling your name but you didn't hear."

"I didn't." She shook her head. "What it is?"

"I was going to ask you the same thing." Ash felt completely lost. He wasn't sure what he was doing. "You looked upset this morning."

"I'm just tired. That's all." Misty pouted slightly. "I work hard but it doesn't seem to pay off."

"Maybe you should take a week or two off."

Misty put her long straight hair on the side. "I can't. I have a lot of work pending."

"Uh, well..." Ash looked down and then up. His eyes traveled over Misty's short tight dark blue dress. Her toenails were painted a glittery silver and she had high heel sandals on.

"I should go. There seems something is wrong in the IT department." Misty clicked on the elevator button.

Ash licked his lips. He watched the numbers on the elevator screen change. He kept watching Misty's back. The dress was in harmony with her curves. It fit her like a glove. "Uh..."

The elevator door opened.

"You should go home early today, then." Ash decided to speak quickly before the elevator door closes and Misty goes out of sight.

"Kind words." Misty flashed a sweet smile before she let the doors close.

May rushed to the elevator and opened it as Ash walked away.

Misty's smile ceased. She stood straight.

"What was that? Hum?" May grinned. "Is it just me or he's going after you? Ash is following you everywhere!"

Misty's heart raced. She breathed heavily. "That's his problem."

May looked her friend in the eyes. "Why are you all red?"

"The elevator is hot. It's not my fault, is it?" Misty snapped. She kept waving her hand near her face. "It's so hot!"

May looked around the elevator. "Maybe?"

Misty hated herself.

Misty walked quickly toward Ash's office, her high heel sandals clicking as she straightened her white dress. The office was almost empty as it was still early, but she knew Ash would be in his office.

Looking left and right, she ran her hands through her long hair and walked quickly past Raja's office. She took a deep breath-


Raja walked out of Ash's office. She found Misty at Ash's door, and they found themselves face to face.

"Good morning, miss Williams." Raja smiled, amused. "Are you alright?"

"Sure, yeah, good morning." Misty put on her confident mode. "I was wondering if Mr. Ketchum came early today. There is a meeting scheduled for the Executive."

Raja raised her eyebrows.

"President is leaving early for a business trip." Misty had no idea what she was saying. "Anyway, it's for the Executive team. It's not your business. You're just an assistant."

"I'd help with anything you need, miss Williams." Raja bowed her head slightly.

"Assistants in this company do nothing! They're paid for nothing!" Misty walked away, talking to herself and huffing. "Useless! Lazy! They should fire them!"

"She needs a life..." Raja giggled to herself. She shoved out of the way when she saw Ash coming toward the office. "Good morning, sir."

"Good morning, Raja." Ash opened the door of his office. "Oh, you cleaned it!" He looked at her. "Thank you very much! And sorry for bothering you."

"It's nothing, sir." Raja smiled. "President will be coming here soon."

"Oh, right!" Ash chuckled. He gestured toward his desk. "I'll go hide the Playboy magazines."

Raja chuckled and took a seat at her office. She then remembered. "Oh, sir!" She knocked on the door and got inside.

Ash was organizing the papers on the reunion table in his office. "Yes?"

"Miss Williams came looking for you." Raja tried not to smile through her words. "It seemed important. Do I call her, sir?"

Ash loosened his tie and looked down at the reunion table. "No, it's fine. I'll call her."

"As you wish, sir." Raja excused herself and left Ash's office. She headed instantly to the kitchenette to make herself some coffee.

"Hi Raja." Dawn came up to her. She and Raja used to work in the same department before Raja became Ash's assistant. "How are things going with Ash?"

"You know Ash. He's a sweetheart." Raja stirred her coffee. She paused when she noticed, through the transparent glass of the kitchen, Misty who was walking toward Ash's office in a rush.

The redhead changed her direction right when she spotted President who was making his way toward Ash's office as well. Her high heels almost made her fall to the side. It was flagrant, but President didn't seem to notice.

Misty bowed her head quickly and just pretended she was heading to the elevator. She kept playing with her hair and got in the elevator for no apparent reason, for sure. 

Raja started laughing.

"What's so funny? Hum?"

She looked at her friend and said before leaving the kitchen, "It's just so fun being Ash's assistant. That's all."

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