Chapter 9

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Your P.O.V

I felt so numb, I can't feel anything, I can't move, I can't hear , I cant see,

I'm motionless.

Three Months later

I felt a familiar warm  hand in mine, I tried to open my eyes but I could only hear and feel, I can't move, but it's been progress I guess, I miss my girls, my sister, Coran, Hunk, Keith, Pidge , Lance and Shiro . Im not exactly sure, who has been visiting me for the time being, but the person visits everyday, Ive only began to hear today, I've been feeling for a long time now and it's so miserable not knowing who is here with me though.

" Hey Yn, I know you can't hear me but, I miss you , the team misses you , your girls miss you and it's just been so miserable not hearing your voice or anything, if you could just indicate that your still in there, it would give me a real hope that your still in there. "I heard the familiar voice of my sister. I mustered all I could and squeezed her hand. She gasped and kissed my hand.

" I knew it, come on Yn, you can do it, just open your eyes please sister you can do it ." Allura motivated, I tried with all I could and tried opening my eyes, they were so heavy, I tried again and they began to get lighter and lighter the more I tried, I fluttered my eyes open and I saw the familiar blue eyes of my beautiful little sister, I looked towards her and saw the familiar beautiful smile of hers. She started crying and hugged me and immediately got off me, I tried talking but I couldn't muster anything and gave up because it was too much stress on me right now. She put her hand on my cheek and rubbed it with her thumb , I blinked at her and got teary eyed.

" Oh, how I've missed you sister . " She smiled  ,she then realized that the others too needed to know, I was awake. She jumped in realization and smiled embarrassed.

" I'll be right back, I'm gonna alert the team!! " she said jumping up and down smiling. I smiled up at her and felt so tired . My eyes began to heavy again , Allura stopped jumping and quieted down .

" Oh , you must be so tired , I'll tell the team your awake and we can visit later , alright . " She said happily she grabed my hand and kissed my forehead.  I smiled tiredly and closed my eyes instantly falling asleep .

8 hours later

I flutter my eyes open and look around, I tried moving but I feel so sore ,everything hurts . I start breathing heavenly , I can't breath its so hard , I'm so sore , I can't see anything no more , the machine next me starts beeping indicating its gonna call someone . I can't breath .

Allura's P.O.V

" Ok ,  that's the plan . " I explained , we continued on discussing the plan until I heard , the castle beeping .The Paladins all look up curiously.
"Allura , your sister, is finding it hard to breath ,I will be needing of your assistance immediately , immediately.  " the castle said , The Paladins and I immediately all gasp , I ran my fastest to her room , the Paladins following close behind , I locked the door and grabbed her shoulders .

"Yn calm down , Sh Sh,  its ok , I'm here , calm down ." I tried calming her down but her breathing was quickening , she started shaking rapidly . I turned her head to the side and grabbed the shot from table and was about to give her until , the monitor stopped beeping indicating ,her heart stopped .  No , no , she can't be dead .

" Castle start full resuscitation process now ! "  I yelled ,the machine started putting elecrtric shocks in her , trying to make her heart beat again , the machine tried for a few minutes,  The monitor bleeped slowly again , I sighed in relief and the machine beeped faster and faster , Yn shot her eyes open , started screaming and crying her loudest . I grabbed the shot again and shot her with it , but nothing happened,  I tried all the other shots but nothing happened ,  I couldn't find anything that would help .

" Castle what's happening?  " I asked in horror .

" Her bones are ripping apart and pulling  back together , her muscles are reacting by turning inside out in  her body , her organs are burning in her body very slowly,  her powers are the cause of this , there's to much quintessence in her system , because of the shots you had given her they are making it much worse ,her body will exert the energy if you let this continue , so I suggest you leave and come back the next day , this process is very long. " The castle explained to me, I cried and nodded , I unlocked the door and left the room . I locked the door when I was out and slid down the wall and cried. The rest of the Paladins looked at me concerned.

" MAKE IT STOP,  MAKE IT STOP,  PLEASE!! " I heard through the door , I cried even harder , the Paladins also slid down the wall and cried.

3rd Person P.O.V

The Paladins , Allura and Coran all sat by the wall hearing the cries and screams of Queen Yn , they worried if she would survive this . They couldn't bear to let the girls hear their mother cry , so they put them in their playroom and made it soundproof .

" Allura what's happening to Yn?? " Lance asked worried.

" Um.. her bones are ripping apart and pulling back,  her muscles are reacting by turning inside out in her body,  her organs are burning in her body very slowly ummm , because there's to much quintessence in her body . " Allura  explained sobbing , everyone gasped and shook their heads , Allura put my head back in my knees.

" NO , PLEASE MAKE IT STOP,  PLEASE !!!" The Paladins heard through the door , they couldn't bare it. They all stayed there in the night just waiting for the screams to stop , they all fell asleep a few times but were woken up by the cries of help . The screaming from Yn had stopped , the Paladins all stood up hopefully,  only to be let down by the screaming to begin again , but this time much worse. It was early morning by now all the Paladins had not moved form their spots , their plans to save the universe meant nothing at the moment. They know they may be sounding selfish at the moment not caring , but at the moment they all could just thimk Yn , what she must be going through . The Paladins had immediately remembered the girls and stood up .

" We need to uh freshen up and uh check the girls , we can come back at a later note ." Keith said wiping the tears from his cheeks , the Paladins all nodded grimly and left to their rooms . They all freshener up and went to the eating area with the girls . The girls had not been as smiley and happy as they had been before their mother was in a comma, but they do smile still .

" Auntie Allura , Where's mummy ? " Lillian asked , Allura froze and do did the other paladins , their eyes all got watery.

" She's coming back soon , ok , now lets have some breakfast.  " Allura smiled weakly , Lilian ,Morwana and Tanzinia smiled .
Everyone sat down on table except for Hunk who went to go make breakfast,  the table had was silent , nobody spoke or moved . Hunk came back and lazily served everyone breakfast. Everyone dug in slowly not making a sound , Yns screams where faint , but could still be heard . The girls did question the screaming but did not put much into it .

" Allura , your sister can be visited but the sight is not very appealing to the eye , the screaming has stopped but it will only stop for at least 30 earth mins. " The castle's A.I said to me ,I gasped and stood, the paladins all got up quickly and nodded at me.

We all ran......

I know very short but, I forgot to save it, the last time I wrote the rest, Please comment on what you want to happen next and I'm so so so so sorry for not updating it was exams and blah blah, but now it's holiday, I hope you like this!!! 

Love you!!

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