First Mission

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A week later, you were in the briefing room with your squadron sat down listening to your orders on fighter support

"Listen up. The UNSA is mounting an offensive near Pluto's moon Charon. Based off the intel we've received, they plan to attack one of our scout ships harvesting resources from Pluto itself. We need to defend that ship at all costs. The minerals and materials on Pluto can give us a significant edge against our enemies. Based off a recon teams assessment of the terrain, its rocky and very cold. Luckily we have technology that can withstand severe cold to our ships. There will be many sharp turns and tight ways in and out of certain areas. We can use them to our advantage as we have thinner ships. I do not expect you all to survive, but as our admiral says, death is no disgrace. Three cruisers, the Galaxius, the Phobos and the Nemesis are on their way to assist. Let's get to our Skelters and show our enemies the consequences of defying the Settlement Defense Front. Mars aeternum", you announced to your squadron and they cheered a little before you suited up and climbed into your Skelters. You'd been made an Ace, and so been given a more advanced Skelter

You climbed into the ship, started it up and looked at the rest of your squadron as they started up their Skelters

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

You climbed into the ship, started it up and looked at the rest of your squadron as they started up their Skelters. You received a communication from the bridge commander and answered it

"3rd Lieutenant L/N, this is Major Osio", he said to you

"Go ahead sir", you replied

"There is a large UNSA fleet in orbit around Charon. Luckily it's not as big as the fleet in Geneva when we attacked, but it is a large fleet. Use the environment to your advantage", he explained and advised

"Understood sir", you replied and you were about to prime your engines when the captain spoke up again

"As this is an operation critical to our resupply missions, we will be having some help from other ships as well as the Phobos and Nemesis. We have to ensure this operation is a success. Mars aeternum", he explained and you nodded

"We'll get it done, sir. Lieutenant L/N out. Mars aeternum", you replied before the communication channel terminated and the ships came out of the jump. You noticed a large UNSA fleet and smirked.

"Orders sir?", one of your squadron members asked.

"Stay close to the carriers and destroyers, ensure they can complete their mission. Destroy the UNSA Jackals and once they're done, focus on the cruisers. This operation WILL succeed. Prime your engines and lets get into the fray", you ordered as your squadron primed their engines

"We are ready for your order sir", another of your squadron said

"Launch in 3, 2, 1." you ordered as you launched out of the hangar, followed closely by your squadron. You and your squadron flew in a tight formation towards some enemy Jackals from attacking the carrier. Once you were behind them, you all fired your guns at once, destroying the Jackals before you noticed a UNSA destroyer moving in to attack the carrier. "Focus on that enemy destroyer. if it gets through, our carrier will be gone and the mission will fail", you ordered your squadron and immediately, you dived towards the destroyer. You initiated a search looking for a weak spot, and the computer managed to find a few

"Weaknesses of enemy destroyer: engines and bridge", the computer detailed and you nodded

"Focus your fire on the turrets first, then blast that bridge to pieces!", you ordered and your squadron began strafing runs on various parts of the enemy destroyer, destroying as many turrets as possible. On the fifth strafing run, one of your squadron was shot down

"We just lost Redik!", one of your squadron said but you ignored it before you destroyed the rest of the turrets. You lined up with your squadron and unloaded a barrage of missiles into the bridge viewport, sucking out the whole crew and causing the bridge itself to explode. The squadron flew away from the destroyer as it crashed into another UNSA ship and destroyed them both. Suddenly you saw a jump signature appearing and another cruiser jumped into the fray

"It's the Olympus!!!", you announced and you heard cheers from your squadron as the Olympus began tearing through the enemy destroyers

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

"It's the Olympus!!!", you announced and you heard cheers from your squadron as the Olympus began tearing through the enemy destroyers. You made a motion to your squadron and your squadron split up to deal with more fighters as another Jackal was hot on your tail a few seconds later. You weaved in and out of the wreckage of the ships and suddenly cut your engines, gliding behind the Jackal before reigniting your engines and blasting it to pieces. Soon the entire fleet was destroyed and the Front had won. You were ordered to land on the Olympus as the remaining members of your squadron headed back into the Galaxius. You landed in the hangar and climbed out as Kotch walked into the hangar. You saluted the admiral and he stood there with his arms behind his back

"Impressive work 3rd Lieutenant L/N. Your skills behind the Skelter cockpit are an inspiration to the rest of the Front. For that, you are no longer a 3rd lieutenant. You are now a Captain", he announced and you shook his hand. You Put on your helmet and got back into your Skelter before heading back to the Galaxius. Once you'd landed, every ship jumped to Mars. You were working on your Skelter, upgrading the weapons when Alyx walked in

"So Y/N, what was important for you to be summoned to the Olympus?", he asked you.

"Well, Kotch told me about my performance in that battle, and long story short, I'm now a Captain.", you replied and Alyx patted your back

"Nice job. But remember, care clouds judgement. Do not care too much about your fellow soldiers. As we've been taught, death is no disgrace", he replied and you nodded before returning to your work. After a few hours, you were done. Your Skelter was faster, more durable and had more powerful weapons. You went to eat. Today's food was hot dogs and chips. You joked with your squadron and talked about your promotion. A part of you felt bad for Redik's death, but you shrugged it off. The Front's soldiers were trained from the age of 12 to be strong, be fearless and be ready to die. You looked at the bare bunk of Redik and placed a hand on it. You hadn't lost a friend before, so this was new to you. You muttered "Mars aeternum" and climbed into your bunk, falling asleep. You were proud of yourself and you felt like you belonged in the Front, instead of Earth

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