CHAPTER 3 - Incoming

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Chapter 3 - Incoming

This.... was dilly dallying.

This group of Rex's was looking for barrels, some sort of robot girl like Poppi, and wanted to get into the abandoned factory, when they had absolutely no way to get in.Iwa and Helena had previous preparations to tend to before going with Rex and his friends, so they decided to meet up with Rex and his friends at the old factory, to help them get in.

This felt like an absolute waste of time to Iwa, and she was getting quite bored. This showed her nothing of her past like she wanted to know; what even was the point in being here, again? Why hadn't she put her foot down already in saying they would not help Rex and his friends?

Ah, yes; the only issue at hand was actually that Helena was having so much fun with her 'new friends'. like, she actually wanted to help them get into this factory. Several times, Iwa was seconds from putting her foot down and saying they would return home, but then Rex would need Helena's assistance with something. So... Iwa couldn't bring herself to make Helena retreat. This was quite miserable to her, though.

And Mythra? None of this task was actually helping Iwa discover her connection with Mythra. Even she noticed that they dressed nearly identical; but why did they dress so similar?

'Damn you, Cole,' Iwa thought to herself as she looked at Mythra crouching down from boredom and a lack of compassion, while everyone else struggled. Whoever she was, Iwa couldn't imagine being friends with this blade. She went over to the nopon and his 'artificial blade', and kneeled beside him. She noticed that he was... rather big, for a nopon.

"Would you two like any help at reading these labels? Surely I could be of assistance," She offered to the two. Poppi looked at her with a dull look, but Tora was the one to speak.

"Absolutely! Looking for key too much work for Tora anyways, meh," he said with a lazy yawn, as he then rolled backward to sit down. Iwa nodded, and in just five minutes, gave Tora the very key he was looking for.

"MEH MEH MEH??? How Iwa find key so fast," Tora asked.

"Simple. Some people aren't as lazy as you."

"Gosh, do you need to be so-"

Rex was cut off by Helena, who stepped forward and said, "Iwa, let's just try to be polite, okay? I get it, we barely know them... but you know how much I've wanted to go adventuring, I feel like this is my calling." Iwa looked away immediately, and mumbled loud enough for th group to hear, "Fine, whatever," before turning to her driver once more to add. "But if I don't get personal answers for this situation, we are leaving immediately."

Helena nodded, and the group then went and activated the ladder, entering the old factory through the window. This was where Iwa put her foot down, seeing as these people were too 'sketchy' to even bother trying to move the door open.

"Lady Helena, this is far too dangerous. As someone who respects the wishes of not just their own, but the rulers of this titan's wishes, we are NOT going further."

The entire group turned and looked at Iwa like she was just the most absurd and demanding woman in the world. Though, her stern expression showed Helena, and the others, that there was no getting out of this. She said goodbye to her new friends, and left with Iwa, only to head the opposite direction, towards the Bulge harbor.

"Lady Helena, that's the wrong way, we're going home," Iwa said strictly, but was ignored by her driver. She repeated herself nearly three times, before getting a response.

"Iwa, what's up with you lately? This seriously isn't like you. And now, I might never  get to fulfill my dreams! Don't you get it," Helena snapped, not even looking directly at her blade as she continued to head to the harbor.

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