CHAPTER 1 - Friendship

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Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - Retold - chapter 1 - Friendship.

The old house was worn down and frail; it was a miracle that it wasn't blown away in the frequent gusts of Mor Ardain's sandstorms. Inside, the house was only dimly lit with candles or poor lamps, the kitchen might be the brightest area in the lower level.  The weak light casted on the wall would allow the tattered wallpaper to be seen. Despite all of the off-putting qualities of the house, it was clean; not a single speck of dust in the house, so it was safe to live in.

Maybe one of the more pleasant things of this house was the scents that could come from the kitchen, carried all the way to the room of the young adult living in the house. Her eyes would slowly flutter open, maybe thirty minutes too early at most. The slightly torn curtains covered any sunlight from coming through.

Regardless if she woke up early or not, the girl tried to return to her slumber, hugging her pillow and turning the other way; even if she was unable to sleep, she would still try. The past few days had not been particularly good ones anyways.

The door creaked open eventually, and she knew it. She had heard the door open, because she was unable to return to the sleep she wished to be in; the dreams that she had. Those were good dreams, after all.

She then heard the footsteps in her room, and then noticed the brightness that came flooding through her window as the curtains were pushed aside. Her brows furrowed in displeasure, and maybe sadness, as they were opened. Of course though, it stopped quickly, as she knew that it wasn't worth the time of the other in the room to deal with the situation she put herself in.

"Lady Helena, breakfast is ready downstairs," the voice said to her, calm and caring; like a real mother. Helena sighed quietly through her nose, as she then made a convincing yawn imitation, and sat up. She looked to the other person in the room, the bright light from the core crystal upon her chest the center of her temporary attention. She then looked to the blade, and gave her a slightly nervous smile... the blade didn't seem to notice.

"Oh, alright Iwa, I'll be down in a little bit, okay," Helena assured Iwa, her 'okay' seeking approval. Iwa smiled, and nodded, before heading back down the steps to the kitchen. Helena sighed, and got out of her bed to approach her window. She watched outside for a few minutes, as if she were recollecting something. At first, the expression she had was that of happy and joyful... but it eventually turned to sorrow, concern... maybe even fear. In an emotional fit, Helena would quickly turn toward her dresser, and approach it; looking for an ideal outfit to wear today. She had to make sure she was under control with her emotions. The last thing she wanted was another lecture from Iwa.

In a matter of minutes, Helena was now quickly stepping down the steps of the house. It was now brightened up naturally by the sun shining through the opened windows, and all the candles were put out, and lamps turned off. At the round table, two blades sat; one male, one female. The female was the same one who woke her up this morning, Iwa. The male had the appearance of a salvager, but not quite. He appeared like a salvager, but he was clearly not able to do any sort of salvaging, as his salvager attire was inadequate. He looked young, but not a child. Maybe late teens, if blades had ages.

"Dean, goodmorning," Helena would say, sweetness in her tone. Dean would nod to her in greeting, and said, "same to you. How are you this morning?" Even if he asked though, Dean knew the answer to this.

"How... am I? Well, I guess I am doing well," Helena said as she sat down, progressively getting quieter.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Dean, I am..."

"Really? Because you don't seem-"

"That's enough, Dean."

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