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"Don't you remember? The brown haired one. I used to talk to him on that bench over there," I continued, trying to make him remember.

"Well I have seen you sit on that bench, but you were always alone, but it seemed as if you were talking to someone. I thought you did that because you were lonely, but I didn't see anyone with you"

"What?! Don't you remember the guy you pranked last week?"

"You mean Johnny? We prank him all the time. And he ain't no brown haired boy. And definitely not your age"

"That is not possible. The post office, they have addresses of everyone in the neighbourhood isn't it?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I want to find one address, please help me out"

"Dude why are you so tensed. I'll help you and all, but please calm down"

"Yeah okay okay. I am fine" I said and we went to some room inside of the office. Yuta took some files and then handed three huge files to me.

"Search the name and find the address. I hope it's not for anything insane, or else I am gonna get screwed"

"Yeah, no. It's not anything insane. I promise"

I went through the files one by one, trying to find Jaehyun's name. But it was only after a while I realised, why would his name be on the file, it should be his family name isn't it. I had to go through it again. My hands were sweating for some reason. I went to the letter 'J' in the file as he told me his family name was 'Jung' once. But there were about 20 families with that name.

"Did you find the address yet?," Yuta asked me.

"No. There are a lot of families with the same family name. What do I do?"

"Check the members of the house. It's right there," he said and pointed at the columns under each family. And that made it easier. I found it, Jung Jaehyun. I quickly noted down the address and promised myself to go over to his place after my shift was done.

Thanks for reading! Hope you liked the chapter! Love you loads!

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Thanks for reading! Hope you liked the chapter! Love you loads!

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