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It has been three hours since the post office opened, a lot of people came in, a lot of people left. I did one set of deliveries. But Jaehyun wasn't here yet. A lot of questions flooded my mind. Was he sick? Was he busy? Did somebody deliver his letter? I kinda felt lonely since he wasn't here. It felt weird.

"Hey Lee Taeyong! Wanna have lunch with us?," One of the postmen shouted from inside and I just nodded and got in. The other postmen were laying the mini tables for us to sit together and eat. They were all laughing and singing while I was looking at the door, waiting for Jaehyun. Why was Jaehyun constantly on my mind? I barely even know him.

"Hey are you okay? You are really quiet today," Postman Yuta asked me.

"I am fine. Just a little tired"

"Oh you can go back home if you want. Today is not a busy day, the rest of us can handle it"

"No it's okay. I'll stay"

"Okay cool. Atleast eat something. You haven't touched the rice. It's really good"

"Okay," I said with smile and slowly started eating.

I thought that he would be gone only for a day. But it has been a week now and he is not to be seen. I don't even have his number to contact him. I had this weird feelin in my chest every time I thought about him. It wasn't supposed to be this way is it? He is just a friend after all.

"Lee Taeyong, are you listening?," the post master said waving his hand in front of my face. I didn't realise I was spacing out...again. "See this is what I was talking about. You're getting too distracted nowadays. You're supposed to be helping us"

"I am really sorry sir. I won't repeat this again" I said with a bow and watched the postmaster go back inside while I waited outside as usual.

"Bro, what's up with you? You've been off lately," Yuta said coming towards me.

"It's nothing. But um can I ask you something?"


"Have you see that guy who used to come here everyday. Like last week and the week before. A guy who was almost my age and I used to talk to him all the time"



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Jaehyun is missing now. Where do you think he is?

Hope you liked this chapter. Thanks for reading! Love you loads!

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