18.secrect abilities!

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Lisa's P.O.V

"Are you serious, did Liam Ashton . the one and only famous Liam Ashton confess to liking you, no loving you?" Meghan was now ranting as we were heading to math .

"Shut  that beak of yours madam and point of correction he said like not love , those are two correct words with different meanings you know" I stated.

"But often like presides love " she teased back .

"Well not in this case "

"What did you say" she asked excitedly . I wonder why this topic excites her.

"Nothing, I just told him I'll think about it"


"And.. I'm still thinking , just before I finished that sentence I saw Liam making out with a certain  junior .

"You see   I told you not in this case " I told Meghan a pinch of jealousy crept in me.

"Lia would you care to give us the answer since  Brittany is too dam to answer" our math teacher instructed. The whole class busted out laughing.

"Its 4"

The class went on , Liam answered some questions that to be honest I did not think he was smart enough to answer.  But he was pretty smart, God what doesn't he have?"

"Lisa, do you mind joining us at our table ?" Carl asked as I was trying to get my things into my locker.

No, no thank you, I don't think its a good Idea , wouldn't I be intruding ?" I stated.

"No , not exactly , the guys would love that on the contrary " he answered.

"I guess I'm not gonna win this argument , am I? I tease him.

He wheeled me to their table.

"Brad smiled widely the second he saw me and I smiled back but Liam's face was pale a bit before he turned and looked away.

"Hey there cutie on the wheels " brad greeted.

"I'm fine thank you, prince charming " I teased.

" she  slapped me and left " brad was busy telling me how he once broke up with this girl while having sex. If there's one thing I've learn to get used too is talking about sex like its food  back at home it is a forbidden topic.

"Well I'm  not sorry , you deserved it , who breaks up during sex" I teased as I put two stick of fries in my mouth.

The whole time , Liam was quiet only talking when Brad forced him.

"Well guys , thanks for the time , I have a class to get to and its clear my presence is not appreciated by someone here " I said as I was about to wheel myself off.

don't mind this one " Carl said as he pushed Liam  a bit. I'll wheel you , which class do you have "

"Art" I answered as Carl began to wheel me .

"I once heard you have a great voice and I saw your art piece it was awesome I wonder which other talents you've got in there "Carl commented as we approached my class.

to say I was surprised will be an understatement. I don't remember telling anyone of my singing ability.

as if he read my mind he answered.

"Liam told us he heard you singing in the music class some time ago "

"Oh, that's awkward but yeah people say I have a great voice and for the other abilities that's for me to know and for you to find out. Wait how did you see my piece?"

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