9.what's happening to me.

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Liam's P.O.V

Yesterday at detention when that new girl entered the room . she had a beautiful curvaceous body , her face was stunning , short African hair looked perfect they way it had been waxed. I usually liked long hair but that has got to change . long hair has got nothing on hers .wait her eyes were swollen and red she must have been crying .

I remember the other day at lunch what Brittany did to her and what people have been saying to her and I felt anger boil in me and clenched my fist .

I'm going to protect her I don't wanna ever see tears in her eyes . wait what's happening to me , I don't usually feel protective over any girl , normally they are just a distraction nothing more.

Man ,like what you are seeing ?" Brad teased me, hitting my shoulder a bit .


I was early to school today just coz my mum insisted . I was walking through the hall way when I saw Brian flirting with a certain girl.
But when I looked closer the girl was scared like she's being forced , that's when I noticed it was Lisa.

I don't know what came over me but I just found myself on top of him throwing punches at him, when I turned I saw Lisa closing her eyes I bet she was scared that's when my heart melted.

I decided to walk her to class just so she could relax a bit.


" man who are you waiting up for , is it Brittany but you never drive your 'entertainment' in your ride" brad asked.

" I'm waiting for Lisa" I snapped at him

" wooow , I see someone has got himself a catch " brad teased.

No sooner had he finished that sentence than I had him up by his shirt

"Don't you ever call her that again" I snapped at him.

"Whoa whoa whoa , stop it man , what's come over you " Carl tried to stop me.

Thats when I realized what I just did .

" Fuck , I'm sorry man , but I mean what I just said .

" its OK, but seriously what's happening to you, your suddenly protective over a girl ! How is that possible. the Liam I know never gives a damn over a girl.

" he's whipped " Carl added.

" No, hell no , you are out of your mind , there's no way I'm falling for any girl " I defended myself .

" OK , I hear you but I got a ride to ride gotta go.

They walk away just as I see Lisa coming out of her class. I walk over to her.

Hey , pretty face , how's your class?"

" her chick turn the slightest shade of pink"

" it was OK " she replies shyly.
I take hold of her hand and move closer to her ears .

"Don't be scared I don't bite" I whispered in her ears.

She just nods

do you have a ride home ?" I asked her as we approached her locker.

" I'll take the bus " she answers

" how about I drive you home?"

" no no need wouldn't I be bothering you ?"

"No , a princess can't bother her servant " I teased

" last I checked I'm no princess and you are no servant , anyway OK " she said as she locked her locker and we started walking to the parking lot.

" how's life here , in this school and California in general , for me so far my experience has been hell." She stated.

"Life here is OK , and your experience will no longer be hectic " I answered .

How is that yet everyone in this school hates me for reasons I'm yet to know"

' the'll not bother you anymore since I'm here" I reassured her as we neared my car.

" what! Is this your car ?" Lisa asked in amazement. What make is it?"

"Its a Bugatti " I replied

" no one owns such back in at home , if they are ,they are just few coz the roads are too pathetic " she rants

I open the passenger for for her but she hesitates .

" I can't get in such an expensive car, I don't deserve it besides I might temper with something" she rants

"Ooh come on , your deserve better " I say as I user her in the car .

"Sorry if I sound rude but you must be real rich to own such a car I presume?" Lisa commented.

"Yeah my parents own multimillion companies all over the world"

"Mmh lucky you"

"Tell me the address to your place"

She told me and I started driving after a few minutes we were at. their drive way.

" thank you for the ride and everything , I really appreciate" Lisa commented in her soft angelic voice

"No need , bye " I replied as she walked to her front door .


That evening Brittany was to drop by as usual , we were not really a thing but I just loved the sex .

When she came by I don't know why but I couldn't keep Lisa out of my fucking brain .

Every time she touched me , I thought of Lisa , what has this girl done to me .

I got bored of Brittany and kicked her out of my house .

I went to sleep with nothing but Lisa in mind.


There you go Liam's point of view , how do you guys find it , hope you loved it as much as I did.

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