EAT/NOT Tournament Rules

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Alright! Here is the rules for the Tournament!! Please remember that all students accepted for the tournament are to follow these rules. Any students who break these rules are to be disqualified by either me, @InsanityBlade or @Omney_Pie 


                #1.) The MOST important rule is NO MARY SUES/GARY SUES. It isn't fair if you are the most SUPREME person during the roleplay, and you don't get hurt and all that. You shouldn't get all the attention either. So please, if you are caught being a Mary Sue/Gary Sue during the tournament, you will be disqualified, along with your weapon/miester.

                #2.) In order to participate, you must have a partner. We will make a list of who's partner is who's later.

                If you do not, please get one [They MUST be already enrolled in DWMA] by August 30th in order to participate in the Tournament. However, all applications will still be accepted after this date. They just won't be in the Tournament.

                #3.) Only NOT students are participating to be a EAT student. If you are a EAT student you will be battling a pair of NOT students. And you will also judge if they are a Mary Sue/Gary Sue or not. 

                #4.) If you are being a Mary Sue (and it is very clear) and your EAT student has not reported it, you will still be disqualified. 

                #5.) You may not be extremely young. Only students accepted for the EAT and who follows all the rules and who are 12+ are allowed to participate.

                #6.) You MAY NOT do something special on your character, such as something broke into the EAT tournament arena and grabbed you then everyone needed to save you. That drags a great deal of uneccessary attention back to yourself. 

        In your chapter where you are to fight, type the words yes my lord to make sure that you have read the rules.

        Because there are no Maka, Soul, Death the Kid, etc RPers in the book, the admins will be EAT members to test all of you~!!

        Anyone seen breaking these rules will be disqualified! Any admin breaking these rules will be demoted to NOT students AND disqualified!!

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