(Y/n)'s Return

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3rd Pov

The next day (Y/n) woke up bright and early in his comfy bed. He took off his green cap that he wore when sleeping, and put it in his pocket. He then goes to the stove and makes some pancakes. He then sets the table and the plate. After, he pulls the pancakes off the pan and puts them on the plate. If you think with his bare hands, you must have problems. He then tops it with both the syrup and butter and got his fork and knife. He cuts a piece of the delicious and fluffy breakfast, and brings it to his mouth-

Bandanna Waddle Dee: (Y/N)! HURRY UP AND GET OUT HERE!

The sudden scare from BWD made (Y/N) jump and fall over this chair, dropping the fork, with his legs in the air.

BWD: Oops. Sorry.
(Y/n): My breakfast......

BWD goes and pulls (Y/n) up and starts dragging him by his arm.

BWD: No time to get upset over pancakes, we gotta get going!
(Y/n): Where?
BWD: To Dedede's of course. He's gonna have a party to celebrate not dying.
(Y/n): If there's food, then I'm good!

They both run immediately through the path that takes them to the castle on top of a mountain. Mt. Dedede, their destination. 

Timeskip featuring (Y/n) and BWD stealing food from Dedede

When they finally arrive, they go through the castle doors to find the main room set up for a party. Decorations, check. Food, check. A creepy guy in the corner, check. Wait. What-


(Y/n) just turned around and saw Meta Knight.

(Y/n): Oh, hello Meta Knight.
Meta Knight: Hello, (Y/n), Bandanna.
Bandanna: You jerk!
???: You guys made it!

They look to see Dedede in his normal attire.

Dedede: Now, let's get this party STARTED!!!


It was one good party. Food, music, all that fun stuff. (Y/n), Bandanna, Meta Knight, and Dedede walk out.

(Y/n): That was fun.
Bandanna: Yep.

Meta Knight meanwhile sees something on (Y/n)'s wrist.

Meta Knight: Hey, (Y/n).
(Y/n): Yes?
Meta Knight: What's that on your wrist.

(Y/n) looks at his wrist to see the wristband with Ruby's logo on it.

(Y/n): Oh, this is something to remember someone by.
Bandanna: Are they dead?
(Y/n): What? No! It's just to remind me of my sister, although we aren't related.
Dedede: What do you mean?
(Y/n): I didn't want to bring this up, but I will so you can understand.

From the beginning, (Y/n) tells them about how he arrived there, how he met the family and then was abused by everyone except the two, Ruby and Qrow. The fun times he had with them, and everything else. When he was finished, (Y/n) saw both Dedede and Meta Knight with looks of pity. Bandanna was just crying, since it was a sad story. Meta Knight then took a breath and looked at (Y/n).

Meta Knight: At least you're away from them. 
(Y/n): Yeah, but I wish I could just go see Ruby again. It's been years since I left.
Dedede: Don't you have that ship of yours?
(Y/n): Oh, yeah. I don't know how I forgot so easily. 
Bandanna: *Sniff* Why did it have to be a sad backstory?
(Y/n): It's alright. 

(Y/n) then thought of something.

(Y/n): W-would you like to come meet her?
Meta Knight: I would like to. 
Dedede: Sure, why not?
Bandanna: Yeah!
(Y/n): Alright then, meet me at my house tomorrow.

And they all headed back home.

The Next Day......

The four were at (Y/n)'s house, getting in the ship.

Bandanna: Hey Dedede, who did you leave in charge of your castle?
Dedede: Waddle Doo.
Bandanna: Him? 
Dedede: Yep.


Waddle Doo: That's right fools, bring me food.
Waddle Dee 1: Why did Dedede have him in charge?
Waddle Dee 2: I don't know. All I know is that Waddle Dee 3 is gonna do the classic tar and feather prank.
Waddle Dee 1: Oh, cool.

The sound of a bucket being tipped over is heard.

Waddle Doo: What was tha-

Tar falls on him, followed by feathers. All the Waddle Dees start laughing at him.


(Btw Bandanna is the only human Waddle Dee ;) Just to not confuse you all)

Back to the four....

Dedede: Pretty sure my castle is fine.
(Y/n): The ship is gonna take of in a few seconds.
Ship: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Lift off.

The ship lifts up in the air and travels into space. Everyone is watching while (Y/n) is piloting the ship.

Bandanna: Wow! So cool!

The ship goes faster.

(Y/n): Looks like we'll be there in a few minute-
(Y/n): Oh no!
Meta Knight: What's wrong?

The ship then starts closing to protect the four.

(Y/n): We're gonna crash.
Bandanna: WHAT?!?!

The ship then goes the fastest speed it can before it crashes somewhere. The impact causes everyone to be shaken by the force. Then the cover opens up to reveal a blue sky.

Dedede: Ow. My head.
Bandanna: Where are we?

The four get out of the ship. And look around.

Meta Knight: We definitely aren't in Dreamland anymore.
(Y/n): This isn't good.

The three look at (Y/n) checking the engine.

(Y/n): Guys. We're stuck here until I can fix this.

The three look at him.

Bandanna: WHAT?!?!

Bandanna starts having a panic attack while Dedede and Meta Knight try to calm him down. Meanwhile, (Y/n) was looking at the view of the big forest, knowing where he exactly was.

(Y/n): I'm back in Remnant. Ruby, i'm home.

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HEY THERE! Sorry I lied to you all about this book. The only problem is S C H O O L.

But I'll try to continue with this story, for now, imagine this Kirby punching me. See ya in the next one. ;D

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