Prologue: Arrival

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You have them. You want to make them true. They can sometimes come true, but can also be broken.

3rd Pov

We see in space, a little boy in a space ship, that seems to be like a star. Inside, the young man was sleeping. His name? (Y/n). Where he came from? Who knows. All we know is that it's headed for a place, Remnant to be exact. But, the ship notices how it gets closer and closer, falling faster and faster, alarming the young boy, waking him up. The boy jolts up and sees on the screen: DANGER!

Thus, the space ship contains him, to protect him from the crash.

Meanwhile, we see a family in a grassy area, ready for a picnic. There stayed a family of six. Four adults and two children. They were both playing tag. One, blonde hair and lilac eyes. And the other, black with red tips and silver eyes, just like her mom. Both were considered half-siblings, since they have the same dad, a blonde man, him being with the other three. One woman, wearing a white cloak, hair and eyes same as her daughter. The other woman, raven hair, a red and black top and skirt, who she and her daughter share the same appearance, despite the daughter having lilac eyes and blonde hair. And finally, the other young man, raven hair, wears a red cape, grey long sleeve jacket, and black pants. All were having fun, until the girls noticed something in the air.

Black-Haired Girl: Mom? What's that in the air?

They all look at what she sees. It was something moving fast and coming right for them. This worried the four, causing the two women to pick up the girls and start running. They managed to get away from the object. Soon enough something happened.


The family were curious in what happened. They ran over to see what it was.

Raven-Haired Woman: Maybe a meteor?
Blonde-Haired Man: I don't know. We never get those here.

They get closer and closer, until they see something Yellow? They get closer to find what seems like a ship. The fact it was shaped like a star is what made the scene more interesting. The minute they were right next to it, a sudden pop could be heard. Soon enough, the ship opens, revealing the same boy. Pink hair, pink jacket, blue eyes. It was obvious he wasn't from around here. (Y/n) soon opens his eyes, seeing the six people around him. He was confused on where he was.

Raven-Haired Man: Hey bud, are you OK?
(Y/n): Poyo?

The group was confused at his answer. He definitely wasn't from around here. And (Y/n) was confused too. He soon enough jumped out of the ship, unharmed. He was looking at his ship, seeing what was wrong. He then realized, the engine was broken. It caused him to worry. He was told before that this would bring him home, but (Y/n) wasn't sure if this was his new home. So he ran off, which startled the others. The group was chasing him, since they were worried. Soon enough, the woman in the white cloak stopped him.

Woman with Cloak: Hold on. Do you even know where to go?

This made (Y/n) think for a bit. Where would he even go? He doesn't even know this place, and already he was about to run off.

Woman with Cloak: Do you have a name?

You were lucky to know your name, and learn a bit of English, but you weren't fluent.

(Y/n): It's (Y/n)
Woman with Cloak: Where is your family?

The memory made him remember the event. It was tragic, causing him to be upset.

(Y/n): I don't have one.

This made them surprised

Summer: How about we adopt you then. My name is Summer. Summer Rose.

Everyone showed sympathy for the boy, but this was pity in disguise, except for two, who would actually care about him. Soon enough he was adopted by the Rose family, who took care of him, until they stopped two weeks after adopting him. Thus the pain begins for poor (Y/n), who's dreams of becoming a Hunter would be broken. The question is, would it be repaired? Could it be repaired? The answer lies in the future. But for now, we have our dreams, some made a reality, some not accomplished, some that seem true, but aren't, and the dreams that would be heavily broken. Dreams are not invincible, since they are like emotions, easy to break. It takes one action to do the unthinkable. It takes one person to hurt another.

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