(Y/n)'s New Home

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6 years later...........

(Y/n) Pov

(Y/n) was relaxing on a hill taking a nice nap. Surprisingly, a heart lands on (Y/n). Strange enough, (Y/n) somehow absorbs the heart, which causes him to wake up. He soon notices a few Waddle Dees with food running to the castle on the mountain.

(Y/n)'s mind: Better check it out.

(Y/n) ran after the Waddle Dees, since he was curious, and hungry.

*One Adventure Full of Allies later*

(Y/n) and a few others return to Dreamland on a Warp Star. They get off as they lie on the hill.

???: That was some Adventure, huh?

(Y/n) looks over to one of his Best friends, one he met when he first arrived at Planet Popstar: 

Bandanna Waddle Dee

Bandanna Waddle Dee

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???: I agree. It was very stressful. But it was one of the more interesting adventures.

(Y/n) then looked over to see another friend, one he used to know as a rival, before they got along. His name?

Meta Knight

B Waddle Dee: Hey (Y/n)

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B Waddle Dee: Hey (Y/n). Remember when Dedede got all buff because of how he had that dark heart?
(Y/n): *Chuckles* Yeah, I do.
???: But you still both beat me!!!

(Y/n) looked over to his last friend, one who used to be enemies with him, until they worked things out. 

King Dedede

(Yes, they are gonna be human for this

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(Yes, they are gonna be human for this. Art belongs to owner. Pics belong to owners. ;D )

Meta Knight: Anyways, what should we do now?

The whole gang was trying to think on what to do. Dedede just got up and started walking back to his castle.

Dedede: I'm gonna get some food. I'm already hungry. 
B Waddle Dee: To the castle then!
(Y/n): YEAH!!

(Y/n) was already running off to the castle that belonged to Dedede. Bandanna was already racing him. Dedede immediately got worried.


Dedede was running after them. Meta Knight was chuckling to himself as he flew after them with his bat wings made out of his cape.

Soon enough, the four friends made it to Dedede's castle, had a feast, and celebrated. Soon enough, the three were full, on the floor,holding their stomachs.

Bandanna: OH! IT HURTS SO MUCH!!!
Dedede: YOU THINK?!

Meta Knight was still eating his food, but more slowly, until he finished. He then walks over to the three on the floor and looks at them.

Meta Knight: (Y/n) wins again.
Bandanna: Damn! That's the third time in a row!

(Y/n) just smiles. They stay like that for the rest of the day, until they were back to their regular selves. 

(Y/n) soon left back to his little house in Dreamland that was made from the help of his friends.

He was in front of his door and was about to reach for the doorknob until his sleeve moved and revealed the bracelet, the one he got from the girl he knew as "Sister"

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He was in front of his door and was about to reach for the doorknob until his sleeve moved and revealed the bracelet, the one he got from the girl he knew as "Sister". He smiled and went inside, taking off his shoes and socks, and hopping into bed. But one thing popped into his mind. 

(Y/n): 'I should visit Ruby soon.'

(Y/n) soon fell asleep while remembering the good times with Ruby, Qrow, Bandanna, Meta Knight, and King Dedede. Who knows. He might make some more memories, just by the one visit.

 He might make some more memories, just by the one visit

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