Mint Gum

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A/N: I hesitate to add this fic to Wattpad since I honestly feel uncomfortable posting here but I'll try to step out of my comfort zone and post here now.

Edit as of 2021: Story is not a remake, just a republishing to be fair to those who wanted to read the story before but weren't allowed to due to it being withdrawn. 

Chapter 1: Mint Gum


Vampires, Zombies, Werewolves, the boogeyman and whatnot they've all been heard about especially in media today ranging from books to movies and trashy fanfictions (like this one) they exist even though we claim they don't.

They exist because people acknowledge them. And because of that acknowledgement they have come to life.

                                                                               ~Intro end~

Chapter 1: Mint Gum

"Are you going to see the new Half-Light movie?"

"I definitely am, I got my boyfriend to come see it with me too."

"I heard it's better than the novel."

Girls chattered around Daniel Park as they raved about the new movie, Half-Light, based on the popular vampire romance novel that had released this year.

From what Daniel had heard, the book was popular with woman of all ages and some guys acknowledged that the hero of the story attracted a lot of ladies' hearts and tried to mimic the character to win over some girls.

Sadly these attempts got disgusted looks from some girls especially since the 'not so blessed in the facial and body department' guys tried on them. They all got smacked or the police handled them. Poor dudes.

"Che, it's just a dumb novel." Daniel heard Zack, his desk mate, as he listened to the girls rave about plot points in the book, "Besides, you all are raving about some undead dude that might as well be a monochrome cardboard cutout doll with a blood fetish and a 'mysterious' angsty personality."

Daniel laughed nervously once he saw the girls glaring daggers at Zack who didn't care, he was busy looking at his childhood friend and crush, Mira.

Mira didn't acknowledge him as she continued talking with her seat mate, at least she wasn't a fan of Half-Light it seemed.

"Hey Danny are you going to see the movie, Half-Light~?" a voice asked Daniel who turned to see Zoe standing beside him, her hands clasped together hopefully.

'If he says yes, then we can go together like a couple! It'd be so romantic as we sit close, possibly feel the spark of love as we reach for the popcorn at the same time, and I'll be a step ahead of the other girls!' she thought happily as Daniel sweat-dropped slightly at the intense expression Zoe had on.

"No sorry." Daniel answered as he thought, 'Besides I need to go to work in my other body and let this one have a rest. Knowing how people treat my other body, there will be people who'd just refuse to even give me a ticket even if they weren't sold out.' Zoe seemed disappointed as she spoke,

"Ah alright, maybe another time?" Daniel just nodded to cheer her up as she perked up after hearing his response, Zoe scampered off to her seat when the teacher came in and called to attention to the class causing all the girls to disband from their groups along with the guys as they took their seats.

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