25)Labor&Delivery (Niall)

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"How about now" Niall asks for what seems like to millionth time if your were having contractions. Today was your due date and he was so excited to see your baby girl that he was becoming horribly annoying in your opinion

"Niall I swear on all things that are good in this world that if you ask me one more time about my contractions I will have to duct tape your mouth shut" you warn your husband as he pretends to act scared. You couldn't help but giggle at your husband's childish behavior

"I just can't wait to finally meet her, we've been waiting for so long" Niall says and places his head on your baby bump and lets out a long exaggerated sigh

"Anyone in there!" Niall asks your bump and lightly knocks on your stomach as if he was knocking on a door

"Come soon baby girl! Your Daddy is dying to finally meet you" your husband huffs and lays back down on your bed as you run your hands over your large stomach

"Get some sleep Ni, I'll see you in the morning okay?" You instruct your husband who nods his head and kisses you softly on the lips as you both roll over to try and get some sleep

Around 1:30 in the morning you roll over due to discomfort and don't really think of it as anything serious because it wasn't hurting you that bad, so you just rolled over and went back to sleep

2:15 you are again awaken by the same uncomfortable feeling but it was slightly more intense but you just breathed through it and tried your best to try and get comfortable again

2:35 you clutch your stomach as the pain becomes more intense but this time you feel pressure build between your legs and then a gush of water runs down your legs onto your bed.

"Ni wake up!" You attempt to shake your husband as he grunts and rolls over to face you

"Niall my water broke we need to get to the birthing center!" Your husbands eyes widen as she springs out of your bed and helps you into some new pants and grabs all your things for the birthing center

Niall throws all the things down to the bottom of the stairs and assists you down your stairs and out to your car before he runs back in to retrieve your things

Niall drives as quickly as he could to the birthing center where they already had a room prepared for you. You changed into your gown that they provided for you and Niall helps you into your bed and grips onto your hand as you had another contraction go through your stomach

"Well isn't it my favorite patient" Your doctor smiles at you as she kisses you on your cheek as you smile back at her

"Let's see where we're at okay Y/N" your doctor snaps her rubber glove and checks how far along you are

"Looks like your 5 centimeters along. Just call if you need any help alright" your doctor instructs, you both nod as she exits the room

"Ni can you rub my back please" You say breathlessly as your places your head on his chest as he massages your back and you grip onto his shirt to help reveal some of the pain

"Oh shhh" you breath out as the pain intensified and your body tenses completely

"Do you need the bag sweets" you nod frantically as your husband quickly grabs the bag and you throw up into it as your husband rubs your back to comfort you. Once your done Niall goes and throws the bag away and comes back to assist you in anyway that he possibly could

"Aww!" You screeched as you felt you back tighten and your stomach burn in excruciating pain

"It's okay baby, let it out" Niall encourages you as he rubs your shoulders

"Shit" you curse under your breath and grip onto the arm of your bed with all your strength

"That one was 2 minutes apart, your getting close babes" Niall tells you as he rubs your back while you become sick again into another one of those sick bags

You collapse back onto your bed as you look at the time to see that you had been in labor for 8 hours. You wanted nothing more then for this pain to stop and for your baby to be in your arms

Niall has drifted off to sleep about an hour ago and you just got through the contractions one at a time since you wanted your husband to rest

"Let me just check on your quick" your doctor slips into your room and you hear her grasp

"The baby's crowning Y/N, this baby is coming right now" she says excitedly and you wake you your husband who was as prepared as ever

"Okay Y/N on my count your going to push for 10 seconds alright" you doctor explains and you nod to show you understood

"Alright 3..2..1 push!" She instructs as you take a deep breath and bear down for 10 seconds like your doctor instructed

"Good girl, the heads almost already out!" She smiles at you and you feel Niall grab your hand and prop you up with his other arm to support your back when you pushed

"That's it baby" Niall encourages you as you push her head out and take in a few deep breaths before pushing down again

"Okay we just need one big push for the shoulders" your doctor explains and you take a deep breath before pushing down with all your strength

"Ahhh!" You scream out, "She right there Y/N keep pushing!" Niall screams as you feel your daughter fall into your doctors arms as her cries fill the room.

You cover your mouth in amazement when she's placed on your chest. All you could do was sob, you finally had your daughter in your arms after a long 9 months and every minute of it was completely worth it for this one moment alone

"Hi sweetheart" you breath out as you cradle your daughter against your chest. "Dad would you like to cut your daughters umbilical cord?" your doctor asks Niall snapping him out of his own world, he nods and cuts her cord and then is taken to be cleaned off and the birth documents to be finalized

Niall grabs onto your hand and places a kiss on your forehead and then kisses you tenderly on the lips, in complete and utter awe of you

"She's finally here Y/N, our baby girl is finally here" Niall smiles breathlessly

"Why are you breathing so heavily! I was the one who just pushed her out of me!" You sass at your husband making him burst into a fit of laughter

In a matter of minutes your doctor reappears what your little girl wrapped in a purple blanket and a hat to match (very fitting considering her name) You sit up as your doctor lowers your little girl into your arms

"She's perfectly healthy and underneath that hat of hers she has a full head of hair!" Your doctor explains to you and then leaves you and Niall to bond with your newest addition to the family

"She absolutely beautiful Ni" you tell him with tears brimming in your eyes

"Just like her mummy" you look up at you husband who now was sitting next to you in your hospital bed. You lean your head into his shoulder and see him slowly remove her little hat to reveal her full head of light brown hair

"Oh my goodness" you gasp at the sight of your little girl

You look up at your husband who had his eyes locked on his little girl. You moved your arms to place her in his arms and he just couldn't help but let the tears fall when he looks at his creation down in his arms

"You have given me the best gift that I could've ever asked for" Niall says as he wraps his free arm around you so your head was on his chest and your daughter was now laying on his chest with her head right at the end of his chin

"My girls" Niall breaths out as you slowly drift off to sleep in the comfort of your husbands arms

Violet Tabitha Horan
Date: December 7th
Time: 11:27 AM
Weight: 6 pounds 12 ounces
Length: 19 inches

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