22)Last Minute Preparations

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You and Liam decided since you were having a home birth that it might be a good idea to make some meals ahead of time so that you weren't having to make full home cooked meals the first few days of Declan's life. And more then likely you were going to be absolutely exhausted anyways to do much for cooking

You had already prepared lasagna, chicken Alfredo, chicken pot pie, chicken and rice casserole, Shepard's pie, and now you were currently working on some sandwiches that were just quick to grab for lunches for something simple

Liam had a pan out that would hold all the sandwiches so once you were done with those you would just place it in the pan and go on to make more sandwiches that seemed to take forever, that was until Liam finally made the last sandwich making all the hard work so work it

"Let's Go Baby!" Liam shouts as he high fives you and pulls you into a tight hug

"But look at all of this" you point towards the kitchen to see pots and pans overflowing the sink and food splattered all over the floor and countertops

"I'll get it babe" Liam offers and you shake your head

"No way! That is way too much for you to clean up by yourself" you state and Liam places his hands on your shoulders

"Tell you what, why don't you go upstairs and get our bedroom prepared for the birth and I'll try my best to clean up down here" Liam offers and you smile up at him

"Okay that's fair but if there is still more work to be done when I get down here I'll help out a little bit" you insist as you make your way up to your bedroom to get everything set up for Declan's birth

You placed different towels all around the room because with a home birth towels were probably the most important part of any labor but you knew you would have to change them out at least a couple of times throughout the labor and delivery

You set up the cot next to your bed so for the first couple of weeks we had easy access to Declan. You moved some of his clothes from the nursery into your room along with, blankets,spit up rags, pacifiers, socks and hand covers, and hats. You also had a portable changing station with a bag full of diapers, wipes, baby powder, baby lotion, diaper rash cream, and liners. You wanted to have everything you needed in order for the birth to go as smoothly as possible

And for emergencies sake you packed a hospital bag just in case something were to go wrong with labor or something else but you were hopeful that you wouldn't have to use it

"I'm done babe" Liam states and stands in the door way of your room as you pulled out your giant exercise ball into the corner of your room

"That was fast! I'm just finishing up in here but if you would like to help with the last touches you can" you offer and your husband nods and starts to give you a helping hand with packing your emergency bag

"Are you ready baby?" Liam asks as he zips up the bag and sets it at the foot of your bed

"I think so" you say and rub your hand along your almost 9 month baby belly

"I think everything is exactly how it should be and as long as you feel comfortable that's really all that I could ask for" Liam places his hand in yours and you pull him into a kiss

"You've been so wonderful and now we are literally weeks away from meeting our baby boy" you say in pure excitement

"Just a couple weeks" Liam breaths out making you giggle


"What are you doing babe, it looks like a bomb went off in here" Louis says and looks around the room to see baby clothes around the room as you sit with an empty hospital bag in front of you

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