4)Morning Sickness

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You felt like you were doing nothing but getting sick. Every time you ate breakfast it was almost a guarantee that you were going to be sick.

"It's going to be alright sweetheart" Liam encourages you as you wipe your mouth off from being sick the 6th morning in a row

"This sucks babe, I hate getting sick each time I eat! I never thought being pregnant was going to be like this" you scream as you crumble into Liam's arms, he just holds you and kisses your forehead

"Like I said, everything is going to be just fine baby" he wipes some of the stray tears that were running down your cheeks. You give your husband a small smile and bury your head into his chest

"I love you Liam" you say as he pets your soft hair

"I love you too Y/N" he says placing a soft kiss on the top of your head


You seemed to only get sick through scents. Whenever you smelled something that your stomach didn't agree with, you got sick.

Louis was being the amazing husband he is and he was making you breakfast downstairs as you rested peacefully. You could smell the sweetness of pancakes and maple syrup but your face suddenly turned sour when you smelled that scent of sausage cooking.

At first it wasn't that bad it was just a mild scent but once you heard your husband step into the room with a plate of sausage for you and him, your stomach took a turn for the worst.

Louis watched as your smile on your face turned to your mouth covering it in an effort to not vomit all over the bed. You bolted to your bathroom with your husband close behind you. You felt yourself getting light headed after you threw up for a straight 5 minutes so you fall back into Louis chest as he holds you in his strong arms

"You alright sweets?" Your husband asks as he moves the hair out of your face, you nod and wipe your mouth

"I guess I shouldn't make sausage for the time being" you giggle at his remark as he picks you up off the bathroom floor into your bedroom

"Louis have I ever told you how much I love you" you hear his giggle lightly as he lays you back into your bed and lays himself next to you

"Maybe a couple of times" you smile at him as the scent of sausage hits your nose again and you feel yourself gag

"Oh shit the sausage!" Louis screams as he runs out of the room with the plate of sausage in his hand, you burst into a fit of laughter as you watch your husband run out of the room


You and your husband were cuddling up on the couch as you were watching a movie together. You were sitting between his legs as he had his arms wrapped protectively around your stomach. You feel his arms tighten around you and you see him smiling down at you

"What are you thinking babe?" You raise your eye brows at him. "Just about the baby, I can't wait to meet the him or her. I'm also just happy that the morning sickness hasn't really been a leading factor for you" you nod in agreement, but almost on cue you feel your stomach turn and your husband clearly can sense that something is not right

"Love are you alright?" Niall asks obviously concerned, before he could say anything else you pushed yourself off the couch and ran as fast as your legs could carry you to the nearest bathroom

"It's okay baby" Niall whispers to you when he rubs circles on your back and holds back your hair

Once you are finished you grunt and lay back on the wall next to your loving husband. He wipes your mouth and pulls you close to him

"I will never say another word about morning sickness ever again" you laugh weakly and smile up at your husband

"I agree whole heartedly" Niall grabs your hands and pulls you back on your feet

"Let's finish the movie babe, then maybe you and me can go watch the sunset tonight. How does that sound?" You nod your head in agreement as your husband kisses you on your cheek

It was probably around 3 in the morning when I felt my wife toss and turn in my arms which shakes me awake. I look down at Y/N to see her clutching her stomach and fighting to go to sleep

"Sweetheart are you alright?" She looks at me shocked to see that I was awake

"Baby go back to sleep, I'm fine I'm just uncomfortable" she breathed out and puts her hand on her forehead. I place my hands on the small of her back and pull her as close as I can to me

"No wife of mine is going to be feeling uncomfortable if I have anything to say about it" I pull her into a sweet and tender kiss as she wraps her arms around my neck breaking what little space was between us already.

I can feel her smile into the kiss but she quickly pulls away from the kiss and covers her mouth and I instantly knew that she was going to be sick

She pushes herself off of the bed and runs as fast as she can to the bathroom. I run close behind her and pull back her hair just in time before she gets sick. All I really could do in that moment was run her back and let everything happen as it did

She throws up for a good 3 minutes before she turns to me with a exhausted look on her face

I give her a weak smile and pull her into a tight hug, all I wanted to do is make the sickness go away I knew she was uncomfortable and I hated seeing her like that. As her husband I was suppose to protect her and keep her out of harms way and I couldn't do that in this moment

"Everything is going to be just fine baby girl, I promise you" I whisper to her as I place a soft kiss on her forehead

"Your the best husband a girl could ask for" she smiles up at me and I give her one in return

"Let's get to bed my love, we are going to have more restless nights ahead let's at least try to get some rest for this one night" I pick her up and carry her to our bed and hold her protectively in my arms as we both fall into a deep sleep

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