The bottom

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Hello my dear friend
Come with me
And be who you want to be
Is this how it is meant
Have we ever met
I am all you ever had
Come on now, not so mad
You'll like it, I bet
You are not my friend
My thoughts, you bent

You are right, I wanted
The ideas in my head you planted
I have had enough
Times like these so rough
Like this is my faith
I can not think straight
Let me be your friend
Show me how it is meant
I need you closer
Crush me like a bulldozer

I am so frustrated
You are not my friend as stated
My friend you claim to be
All you bring is misery
You will not let me break free
But why do you not want me to be
As if I ever would have enjoyed
This life, so young, yet destroyed
You may have been right at times
It does not make up for your crimes

You will be waiting for me
A big smile I see
Your arms wide open
As if I were unbroken
Yes, in the end we will meet
Once I am freed
You are mine
I know, that is fine
And then you vow
I will never let you go now

So why do we fight
Every time late at night
Why do you not give in
You say with a grin
I can not do this anymore
My head is pounding
The darkness surrounding
I collapse on the floor
Your last words you say
To you I will not obey

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