
44 7 12

They taught me how to swim
Yet I am drowning
My tears unnoticable
Messing up my breathing

Everything gets dark
It is death's mark
Shouldn't it be white
Like that bright light

No light has ever shone here
Only darkness blooming my fear
There is no way out
It is over, no doubt

I should be gone
I'm still living on
What is the point of it
My life doesn't fit

People promise it will change
I don't know why they say that
When they know it is this bad
Maybe it is all in my head, strange

It has not gotten any better
Not that it does matter
It has only been less bad
Still very sad

The current trying to take me under
What a blunder
Didn't it know I would fight
Waiting for that searchlight

Head barely above water
Even though I'm the author
Maybe one day I'll be able to write
How to swim, without fright

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