
15 1 2

What are you going to worry about today
I ask myself in dismay
Despite every day being a hurdle I have to jump over
I keep on going on, not submitting to a hostile takeover

Not easily falling asleep
Mind in thoughts, deep
Not only about the past
But what will tomorrow bring

Scared to get judged again
Afraid of the possible pain
Continuing to live in the past
Days that didn't last

Sadly I am anxious around you too
Simply because these feelings are new
It scares me, I don't know what to do
What love feels like, if only I knew

I thought and hope I changed
But have I grown so estranged
From my own feelings and heart
That I got lost, where do I even start

Every and any exhausting interaction
I maintain trying to see its attraction
My own worst enemy
The hurdle is me

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