Anika's life without Shivaay

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Anika sat by the pool exhausted with the tensions and miseries of the past few days. Today she failed in saving her husband from the clutches of the judicial system of the country. In these days, she had literally begged every member of the family to trust Shivaay, but her cries and pleads did not reach them as they had turned merciless. She cried for Shivaay; she also asked Shivaay to confess the truth but he told the same thing

"I killed my Bade Papa for the property. I am guilty. "

And he was given the sentence of being jailed for 5 years as the lawyer could only manage to prove that the murder happened for self-defense. Anika was broken when she saw Shivaay blank and emotionless after the verdict. When their eyes locked, Shivaay's eyes showed his pain and also his love for her. Anika tried to hide her pain and gave him an assuring look. She kept staring at the vehicle which was taking away her life and soul. As the vehicle disappearedfrom her sight she broke down and sat on the road with a thud. Khanna helped her to the car and took her to Oberoi mansion. She walked to the poolside lifelessly and sat there devastated. 

The memories with Shivaay haunted her as she entered their room where their relationship had developed over the past few days. She looked around the room and soon sobs and loud cries were heard from the room throughout the night. But no one bothered to console her as she was the wife of a murderer and her constant support for Shivaay made her also a traitor. 

Days passed... But nothing changed. Anika was ignored but she put a strong facade before the family. She was away from her soul... But she decided that she would never show her vulnerability and remain strong for her Shivaay. She was indirectly taunted by the family. Their taunts and hatred killed her but their hatred for Shivaay ripped her soul to pieces. The family for which he had lived was against him... This made her weak and this weakness came out only inside the four walls of their room. 

She slept on the floor and ate tasteless food as she knows her Shivaay would be suffering the same. She tried her best to be strong for her Shivaay. She also wanted to work but the family stopped her saying 

"Your husband has already snatched the peace of the family and tarnished our reputation.. And now by going to work are you going to destroy our reputation. People will say that we have left you to your fate. Just stay at home and we will give you some money. "

This shattered her heart and soul but she gathered those broken pieces for her Shivaay. She did not raise her voice against the family for her Shivaay as he loved this family to death and she knew that he is in jail for this family. She gulped all her tears and cries and acted good to the family. She never got the same love and respect from the family but she remained numb as her life was not with her to console or stand by her. 

When Gauri came, Anika thought that she has someone now with whom she could share her pain. But Om found his solace in Gauri and the right of a sister was also snatched from her. After few days,  Gauri told Anika about her decision to marry Om. Anika was happy but it was also short-lived as Om didn't want Anika in his marriage. This broke her further but she stayed away from the marriage and saw it in a video because of Khanna. 

The day came for which Anika had waited. She was waiting for Shivaay and soon she saw him. But the smile of seeing her life after a long time dropped on seeing his state. Still she plastered a smile on her face and told him about Om's marriage with Gauri and that brought  a small smile on his face. That smile made her day as she had hid about her absence in the marriage. 

Another marriage happened... An unexpected one... Marriage of Rudra and Bhavya. She was again ignored but she accepted it with a smile as pain had become a constant companion since her Shivaay was not near her. This pain and loneliness was pulling into the deepest pits of darkness but she held onto a pinprick of light... The return of her life... Shivaay. 

Anika was worried about Priyanka but she was helpless as Priyanka never let Anika near her. Though Omru took care of her,  Anika was not satisfied but she was restricted from talking to Priyanka. She was all alone in that huge mansion. She was asked to have separate temple as she prayed for her husband. She was treated as a stranger by her own family. Though Gauri and Bhavya met her secretly, they never understood the hidden pain of Anika. 

Shivaay was again happy with the marriage of Rudra.. And still she managed a smile on her face. Any question about Priyanka, Anika told that Omru were taking care of her. Shivaay was relaxed that his family was safe and good. The trauma of the jail made him blind to Anika's pain and trauma. She was becoming weak physically and mentally but no one seemed to notice it. 

But Anika was determined to not let Shivaay know of her miseries and suppressed everything within her. There was not a single soul who had noticed her red and puffy eyes, the dark circles,her fake smile, her lean body or her pain. Shivaay believed her mask though he felt something wringyas Anika made him believe her act. Shivaay was not in his senses to recognise her facade. Anika was happy seeing her husband and hid everything as he was already in a lot of pain. She ignored her pain for him. 

The five years were hell to her... She was living like a stranger with her own family. The pain was too much to bear... But she bore it for Shivaay. She tolerated everything for Shivaay. The hope of getting back her life after 5 years kept her going despite the cruelty she endured at the hands of those who held her in her bad days. 

Her soul was so broken but all those broken pieces were awaiting for one person. Her fate was cursed but it waited for a change. Her belief was shattered but she waited for the right person to regain her trust. Her heart was still beating for hearing the heartbeat of her love. She waited for Shivaay... To gather the broken pieces; to change her cursed fate into a  blessing; to believe again. 

The five years taught her that Shivaay is her life.. And without him she is nothing nor would she stay alive. She was just looking forward for the day when Shivaay would complete his sentence and return as a fresh breath of air in her life. And she kept waiting staring at the stars on a cold night by the pool,numb to the chilly airs as her soul was colder and frozen.


I don't know if I had justified Anika's feelings during the five years...  Sorry if it was not good. 

And if you want a sequel where Shivaay gets to know about Anika's pain.. I will give one.

Give ur opinion through comments or pm me. 

Lots of love... Adios 🙂🙂🙂

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