Chapter 9

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2 Months Later - Maisie's Room
Maxine's P.O.V

My chin rested gently on Maisie's lap, her hand stroked the top of my head. I felt at home, and felt wanted. My mind began to travel back to what I thought was my teamu, my family. Pain began to slice through my heart, they were the first people I trusted since Hydra.
My thoughts were soon interrupted but the sound of a crash near by, my head lifted off the lap. My ears pricked up, eyes trained on the door. The sound of a gunshot, made Maisie jump. Fear consumed me as I glance over to Maisie, as she looked at me with a confused look. I allow my fully grown body to rise off the floor, my tail becoming still resting between my back legs. The sounds of footsteps could be heard entering the house, growing louder and louder.
Glancing back at Maisie, shock and fear on her innocent little face. Using my teeth I take grip onto her sleeve and pull her onto her feet, she followed behind me as I lead her to the closest. I let her go, and watch her climb inside. Once I'm sure she's hidden, I move away and stand behind the door. My body lent forward, weight balanced on my back legs, eyes glued to the door. As the footsteps grew louder, my jaw tightened as a low threatening growl erupted from me, teeth on show to whoever is willing to enter.

As the door opened, I took my chance and jumped forward. My front paws knocking the man onto the ground, and the gun to fly from his hand. A familiar yell escaped from the man, as I stood on his chest as I continued to growl at him. My eyes began to scan the man for any other weapons till I realised who it was. "Maxine I know it's you?" Agent Grant spoke, a smile forming on his face. I froze not sure of what to do, should I trust him after everything that has happened or do I run? By what about Maisie I can't leave her behind, can I? Questions filled my mind as I step back refusing to change my form, my body used to this new shape after so long. My eyes still locked on him but my tail stayed still. "Don't you want to come home?" Grants voice asked as he slowly rose and searched for his gun, which he holstered once found it. I tilt my head to the side as I look at the man in front of me, I could see the sorrow in his eyes filled with pity. "We've been searching for you, for 2 months! We want you back!" Grant spoke as I slowly turn back to my old self, tears threatening my eyes.

"When I'm there you don't want me, but when I'm finally happy you want to rip it away from me!" I scream at him, giving him a slight push sending him stumbling back. A look of hurt covered his face, as he regained his balance. "You Guys can't leave me to be happy can you?" I ask the sticky tears trailing down my cheeks, my weakness showing. A small scoff lingering on my lips, as I take a few steps back.

"We've found her!" His voice spoke softly as he stood straight brushing off the dust off his clothes. And I knew exactly who he was talking about as my head shook fiercely, the tears now flowing like a stream. The memory of the event where I lost here, replayed over in my head.

I woke to a pounding in my head, my eyes open as I try to move. Glancing down I notice I'm tied to a wooden chair, my body can't move.
"Ahh, your awake!" A voice spoke, a man stood there with a devil smile plastered on his face. His dark hair short and greying and his blue eyes filled with anger. I knew who was and I know what he wants but I can't give him it. I feel my jaw clench when I remember my sister and I pray to God she's safe. "Now, are you loyal to HYDRA? And where is the drive you hid?" Jason asked stepping closer to me as he loaded his gun in front of me.

"I don't know what your talking about," I mumble still a little dazed from the blow to the head, I watch as his smile soon turned to evil smirk. A chuckle escaping from him as he shook his head, as he walked out the room. Glancing round I spot my gun hidden under torture weapons laying on the table two steps away. My head snaps into the direction of a door opening revealing my worst nightmare, my little sisters usual happy face stained with tears. Her long brown hair held in the dirty hands of my capture, I could feel my jaw tighten at the sight.

"Now, what were you saying?" The Jason asked pointing the gun at my sister, pushing it harshly in the 5 year olds temple.

"I can't. I don't have it!" I spoke truthfully not wanting to risk my sisters life, I watched as he shook his head like he didn't believe me. "I gave it away before I got caught, it could be anywhere by now!" I tell him honestly, not taking my eyes of my little sister who continues to cry in fear holding tightly onto her old teddy.

"I don't like being lied to and I gave you a chance," He spoke calling his partner over, I watched as my sister dropped the small toy leaving it on the floor a scream erupting from her lips. "You know what to do!" The Jason order as his partner dragged my sister away.

"No!" I continue to yell trying to fight the ropes which held me down to the chair, "I'm telling the truth!" I shout at him, a gun shot and my sisters screams end. Something snapped inside of me knowing he killed my sister, rocking on the chair I land on my feet. Forcefully I allow my self to crash the chair breaking it onto the floor, while setting me free. Gripping onto a piece of the chair, I launch it towards Jason. I don't even watch as it hits him, moving swiftly over to the table filled with weapons and pulling out a gun. Turning round I don't even give the man a chance, I pull the trigger shooting at the man. The bullets hit him directly in the chest, I watch as the man takes his final breath before he slips away to his death.

Tears blurring my vision slightly, yet my eyes land on the small toy my sister couldn't live without, laying their covered in blood stains. The sound of sirens could be heard from miles away, quickly I grab the toy and stare at the man I just killed. As the soldiers footsteps grew closer head over the emergency exit in the corner of the room, placing the toy out in front of me. I don't waste a second in allowing my form to change, red and white fur grew around my body as my size decreased. I stretch my new Fox body out before staring at the blood on the toy, I wait a second to compose myself. Snapping into action I grab ahold of the toy, all I have left of my sister, before making my way quickly out of the large compound.

I'm really sorry about the late update, I lost the password to this account.
But I'm starting a new story soon, while continuing this one. I hope you enjoy it xx

Carly xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2018 ⏰

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