Chapter 5- First Misson

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Maxine's P.O.V

"Max, get up!" Ward called banging on the glass doors of the small room I slept in.
"I'm up!" I call out getting him to stop with the racket. I glance at the alarm clock, 06:00 way too early for my liking. Getting up I make sure I'm presentable before exiting my room and head through the hall of the plane, which the others keep calling the 'bus'. Upon reaching the lab I'm greeted by Coulson, Ward, May, Simmons and Fitz; who seemed deep in a confiscation.
"Hey!" Skye called as she enter the lab seconds after me, I smile back at her.
"Ahh you guys are here," Coulson started before turning and picking up what looked like a dog collar, harness and leash, "Ok so the plan is, Ward Your a normal dog handler guarding Tony. You will follow him through the streets of Rome, don't leave his side. We will keep in contact ok, now both of you go get ready." We did as told, I waited till Ward had gone before I turned. I feel more relaxed as I feel my hand become paws as I shank in size. Fur spread across my body as a my teeth became sharper.
I stretched my front paws forward getting used to my new body for a while. Coulson bent down to my height as he clipped a black collar round my neck, before strapping a harness hover my body.
I went and sat by the SUV waiting to leave. I watched quietly as Ward came back wearing a Italian police uniform, with Tony and Pepper in formal clothing. I look over at Coulson when I hear the sounds of metal clashing, I growl at the sight I see. I watch as he walks closer with a cage, I hate cages after what's happened to me.
My growls soon turn to whimpers as he comes closer,
"Max, it's only for the car journeys." Ward said joining Coulson by the cage, slowly I cautiously I step forward the pads of my paws making little sound as I move. The floor of the cage was soft as I lay down on the small dog bed inside the cage, wearily I watch as my only exit close and become locked. Ward lifted the cage and carried it to the car, he strapped the cage into one of  the backs of the SUV. Tony came and sat in the back while Ward went behind the wheel leaving Pepper to get into the passenger seat.
By the time we were all in the car, we had landed in Rome. As the car drove down the ramp and off the bus, the sun shone brightly through the window lighting up the car. Feeling nervous inside the cage I started to chew on the dog bed, surfing spewed out.
"What are you doing?" Tony asked in a frustrated tone, I look up to see him staring at me intensely.
"Leave her alone, she hates feeling trapped!" Ward called back as he turned the wheel to take a left turn. The car then came to a stop as the door opened and Ward released me from the cage. He hooked the leash onto the harness and led me behind Tony and Pepper who made there way towards a large building.
As we entered the building we were met by a gush of cold air, which was refreshing. We all got through security with no problem, then made our way over to the elevator. Pepper pressed the button to the 2nd floor, as the elevator went up. We walked out into a large conference room, Ward led me to the far corner as Pepper and Tony took seats at the large table in the middle of the room. Four men came in from the other room on this floor and greeted Tony and Pepper as they started their meeting, I sat down at Wards feet. I shut out the noice of the people and continued to scan the room, nothing seemed unusual but something seemed off.
I could hear the evaluator moving, when the doors opened up jumped up. Ward led me over to the man, where I he patted him down while I smelled him checking for anything Ward might have missed but nothing was found but a gun. I growled while Ward pulled out his gun and took aim at the man till Tony called out.
"Happy, welcome back. It's fine we know this guy." Tony called standing and hugging the guy, I stopped growling when Ward tugged at he lead pulling me back to the corner.
By the time the meeting had finished it was lunch time, Pepper decided that we should go out to lunch; Happy came with us and I learned that Happy isn't such a happy man. Ward followed the three into a small restaurant, I was lead to a small table in the far corner. I lied down underneath the table watching there feet in case I got hit, two small bowls were placed on the floor empty. That was until Ward poured some bottled water in one and pulled out a small packet of dog food, he poured that in the second bowl before tiring the lead to the table which was bolted to the floor. I lapped down the water within seconds, then I sniffed the food before wolfing it down.
Once I had finished I rested my head on my paws as I listened to the confiscation going on above the table.
"Not to be rude, but one who are you and two are you a S.H.I.E.L.D agent?" Happy whispers from above,

"I'm Agent Ward of S.H.I.E.L.D!" Ward replied calmly

"So S.H.I.E.L.D highers dogs now?"

"Oh, that's Maxine. We're trying a new thing."
My tail wagged slightly as I rested under the table, my eyes locked on the door. I must have been staring for a while as a sudden yank of my collar broke me free from my thoughts, I look up to see Ward pulling at my lead. I sigh and follow after him, we all walked out towards the hotel.
When inside the hotel we got three rooms all linked together, on the second floor Ward and I closest to the elevator, Tony and Pepper in the middle while Happy was on the other end. Once inside Ward took off my harness and lead but my orders were to stay as a dog. I couldn't risk HYDRA ever finding me, so no one could ever find out about me and my freaky powers.

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