Trouble at the Docks

Start from the beginning

Ruby turned to the source of the explosion. "Oh no.."

It was night now, I'd been carrying her for a good hour. A fucking hour. In fact we went slower with her on because she kept grabbing onto my helmet whenever she was about to fall, and I had to stop and help her stay on.

She finally hopped off and motioned for me and Penny to follow as she ran off in that direction.

'Is it this way, VEGA?' I asked.

"Yes Slayer."

'It's Jones now.'


"We have to hurry." Ruby said, we ended up on some rooftop overlooking the harbour only see an odd fellow in white suit with red hair. He looked like a bitch. There were also some weird people dressed in white clothes? Are they a cult or something?

Oh but I could also see monkey boy - he was being held at.. cane point? Ruby impaled her scythe into the concrete. "Hey!" She yelled, grabbing his attention.

"Oh hey Red, isn't it past your bedtime?" Okay he didn't just look like a bitch, he is a bitch.

"Ruby, are these people your friends?" Penny asked, Ruby turned and warned Penny to step away - but bitch boy used this moment to fire a projectile at Ruby, directly hitting her and flinging her back. I semi caught her so she didn't hit the floor hard with my arm and she was slightly dazed. Penny seemed pretty confident, she stepped out to where Ruby was just hit.

"Penny no!" Ruby cried out.

"Don't worry, I am combat ready." She simply said in response. Soon a small container on her back opened up to a plethora of blades she seemed to control. She jumped down and soon I watched her kick everyone's asses. More ships came and started shooting at her and in response she fired a huge ass laser at the flying vehicles, tearing them in half.

Holy shit. Penny is kinda a kick ass.

Ruby and I watched on, we looked at each other for a moment and shrugged before looking back.

"How is she doing that..?" She asked, it was more aimed at herself though. We both watched on as she took down another ship, as another one flew off.

"Your friend's a fucking lunatic." I confess to Ruby.

"I didn't even know she could do this."

Soon enough the whole ordeal was over.


The police had swarmed the area, 10 minutes late to do anything useful. They gave some routine questions and went about investigating and arresting the weirdly dressed men, which I now know as the White Fang. Yang and Weiss arrived on the scene, she rushed right over to Blake.

She gave some sort of pseudo speech about how as long as she isn't in the terrorist group anymore she doesn't care, which, not to any bodies surprise she wasn't part of anymore.

"Team Ruby is back together!" Ruby cheered and soon talks of returning home were had.

Everyone was ready to depart, as Ruby started to walk away I put my hand on her shoulder, stopping her.

"You guys go ahead. We will be right behind you. I just need to have a private discussion with your leader." I ordered. They reluctantly agreed and soon were off.

"So, what's up Jones?" She asked.

"VEGA, you're up."

"Certainly Slayer. Miss Rose you remember your last encounter with demons?" He asked.

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