Trouble at Beacon

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The day reached its end, it's about all I would expect of a school. But now it's time to visit the old man and hopefully understand the situation better. I was pretty pissed off last time we spoke but the need for information was greater then my anger.

I followed the girl adorned in Crimson attire to an elevator of a particularly large tower, so his up there?

"You didn't eat anything, are you sure you don't want something to eat first?" She asked. She seemed too kind for her own good if you ask me.

I dismissed her and she nodded, clicking the button to call the elevator. After a short wait the elevator arrived and we stepped inside, I entered closest to the buttons to decide the floor and she told me it was the top floor we needed to go too.

I pressed it.

Nothing happened.

I pressed it again.

Still nothing.

Shitty thing.

I smashed my fist into the panel and it started to move, the doors closing as the elevator went upwards. It worked, though the wall panel was crushed inwards and wires were sticking out, spitting sparks every now and again.

"Well.. that works.." Ruby said with a nervous laugh.

The ride didn't take long before the doors opened once more, leading to a rather large office with a rather magnificent view, and sitting at the oddly curved mahogany desk was the old guy, Ruby previously mentioned that he was Headmaster Ozpin.

"Please, do sit down, we have much to discuss." He gestured to the 2 seats prepared infront of his desk. Ruby and I walked over and sat down, I blankly stared at him through the helmet while Ruby fidgeted a bit.

"I want to know: where exactly did you come from? You see, what I heard was; there was a bright light and a loud smack, next thing everyone saw you in their room. What happened?" He inquired, his calm demeanour apparent in his words.

VEGA spoke up for me.

"We were brought to this dimension via tether device, a means of inter dimensional tracking and transport."

"So you came here with this tether system.. of your own volition?" He questioned.

Are you fucking stupid? I've been trying to leave since I fucking got here.

"Playing recording 39d"

This recording showed my last moments on Mars, and Doctor Samuel Dickbag.

"It's over, you've won. But it's come at a price." The prick rambled on.

They watched the rest of the video and the visual terminated.

"I'll take that as a no." Ozpin said, followed by a silence.

"I've been wondering, can you talk to us directly? I feel as if it would... expedite this process?"

"I'm not sure he can Ozpin, he always gets the computer to talk for him." Ruby answered for me, even if she was wrong - I can talk.

I suppose he is right. And I'm a bit tired of hearing what I just said repeated to me by VEGA.

In saying that though, I'm completely unaware of what my voice would sound, it has been Eons since I actually spoke a word out loud.

"Now Miss Rose, I would like to hear it from him, thank you though."

I reached up to a small button on the side of my helmet, it made a small beep as I clicked it.

Misplaced in Remnant Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora