An Awkward Encounter

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"I can't have you standing in my way." The tall robotic frame spoke, walking away.

"Tether activating"

This little bitch.

Soon, everything went light blue and stayed that way for a good while. I started to feel like I was falling and braced myself accordingly. Everything flashed bright before my vision returned and I landed against some rooms floor, with a loud thud. I used my fist to absorb some of the shock and I fell to one knee. I see I've cracked the floor a bit, no matter.

This doesn't look like hell.

I thought, looking around. It looked like some dorm.

"What the hell?!" A mystery maiden behind me said, accompanied by several similar statements from 3 others.

I turned around, observing a pair of bunk beds and 4 very different humans on top of them.

Humans, huh? Real breathing humans. Did Samuel Dickface really send me to Earth?

I stood up, they stared on, I waved and and turned to the nearest door to leave as I grabbed the trusty double barrelled shotgun and reloaded it. I have a score to settle. As I reached the door the one with probably the highest pitch voice, almost screaming, said:

"Wait! That looks like a suuuuper antique weapon, it looks reaally cool!" She jumped off the bed and made her way towards me before a blonde haired teen pulled her back.

"Ruby I don't think you should get near him..." she said, and the white haired one agreed, jumping down joining them.

"Yeah, we need the teachers - now."

'Ruby' looked dejected, "I only wanted to have a closer look.. I mean come on! He looks like some dimension crossing death machine! His gun appeared out of no where! What else does he have?!" She seemed to regain her earlier spark and her eyes lit up.

Well, you're not far from the truth..

"I think the fact he looks like a dimension crossing death machine is a brilliant reason to stay away from him" the Blonde retorted.

I shook my thought off and ignored them, trying to open the door to no avail, must have been locked. So I kicked the door open, breaking the lock and one of the hinges, the door dangled awkwardly from its remaining hinge and I started walking outside.

"Hey, brute! Where do you think you're going?" I looked behind me as the white haired one yelled. "This is an academy for students and you just drop in on a room full of sleeping students!?" She seemed upset..

And so was I.

I put the universal "Fuck you" up at her, as the finger shot up she got mad and her friends pulled her back. I would rather not kill any humans, and quite honestly the longer I was down here the longer Samuel Dickbag has to fuck everything up again, time was ticking. I shut the door behind me (or rather, I closed it over, it wasn't going to close for a long time) and sprinted down the halls for a good few seconds, I reached the end of the hall and turned, finding some stairs - I was in an apartment then?

Then suddenly I was yanked backwards, blue electricity similar to when the tether was active engulfed my waist for a moment.

What the hell?! I can't leave?

I tried walking and was jolted back less forcefully, but I still couldn't move on. I stood still for a moment, wandering how to approach this, I decided on going the other way, maybe it was some sort of barrier?

I turned the corner to see a group of 8 humans blocking the way, standing infront of the door I broke and another door, must have been another living space. They seemed to be chatting among themselves and one was on the phone. They were all in their PJs.

Misplaced in Remnant जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें