Chapter Six - Witch Festival

Start from the beginning

"Seriously Elijah! I need sleep!" She groaned and rubbed her stomach.

"Are you okay?" I asked and she nodded.

"Just contractions. They are 30 minutes apart. I'll let you know if they get closer." She said softly and I nodded.

"Come on you need to be off your feet though." I said and looked to Klaus.

"Put her in my room." He said and I nodded. And took her to his room. I got her into Klaus' bed and she gave me a soft smile.

"In my room on my bed is a panda. Finn got it for me on our honeymoon. Can you grab me that?" She said and I nodded.

"Of course, sweetie." I said and she nodded and grabbed Klaus' pillow as I left.

"Is she okay?" Elijah and Klaus asked and I nodded.

"She just wants her panda Finn got her on their honeymoon." I said and they chuckled. I went to her room and saw how it was decorated in a old fashion way. I grabbed her panda and went and gave it to Scarlett. She snuggled with it.


Scarlett woddled over to Davina, who squealed and jumped up from her seat. Even Monique jumped up. The two hugged Scarlett.

"I'm so sorry you girls went through so much when I was away." She said and squeezed the girls hands.

"Scarly it's not your fault." Monique said and hugged her.

"I know but still. I got you three girls a gift. It's from my father's legacy." She said and looked to Klaus. He walked over carrying books.

"These spells are different from your ancestral spells you use. They need a bit more power to it. Like the four elemants. Water, fire, earth and wind. I use fire and earth. I do hope you girls enjoy them." She said and Klaus handed each of the books to the girls.

"Thank you so much!" They said and hugged her making her giggle. They pulled away and smiled happily at her. They sat back down keeping the books in their laps. Klaus helped Scarlett off the steps. They came over and she huffed.

"This dress is starting to bug me." She whined making me giggle.

"Why don't you head home. With your contractions now 20 minutes apart you should be off your feet." I said and she sighed.

"I will I just want to be here to support the girls. They don't have anymore family. Davina I've always treated her as a daughter." She explained and I nodded understandly. I went to announce the gift starting. When people started giving gifts Davina was left out. Monique grinned until Scarlett gave Davina a box after scaring the women that tried to move her to one of the other girls.

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