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Mina's POV
I woke up with a terrible knock on my door. I got up and opened the door. It was Robin😳
"What do you want?"
"Nothiiiing just came to advice you training has already started." He said with an innocent voice.
"No way, I had an alarm"
"Ja, do you think alarms can stop me from wakeing you up??"
"Oh, you little birdie, you have planted your grave, I'm the master of pranks"
I said getting outside my room to my changer (I know it's strange that my change room is not in my room, but there was not enogh space in my room)
"No-o you're not getting changed into your normal clothes you have to use training clothes"
"Ashhhhh, ok"
I changed into something more "sporty" as robin said:

"No way, I had an alarm""Ja, do you think alarms can stop me from wakeing you up??""Oh, you little birdie, you have planted your grave, I'm the master of pranks"I said getting outside my room to my changer (I know it's strange that my change room ...

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"You sure want to use that???"
"Yes I am" I said decidedly
"Don't cry if I cut them"
"You'll better don't"
"We'll see"😉
I rolled my eyes, and went to the training arena where I found everyone including Batman
I"Hey everyone!" I said
"Hi, you'll start Mina"
"Ok, who will I destroy???"
"Wait what?!?!"

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