New Powers

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"We are here" Battman said
"You don't have to be nice if you don't want to, but at least present yourself."
"Mmm...I guess I can try"
We entered a big mountain with big doors, where 6 boys were waiting for us to get closer, I didn't even wanted to look at their faces, I was exploting of madness.
"Guys meet Mina, better known as flight fire, she will be your teammate, she's from other dimension so she have incredible powers, the gravety in her dimension is a lot more havier than the gravity in ours, so she can fly, she have super strenght, she can be invisible, change density, etc, please present to her, and Mina please be thankfull they have the disspositon to do it."
"Hey I'm Robin and this is:


Wally/Flash boy

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Wally/Flash boy

Conner/Super boy

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Conner/Super boy

Megan/Miss Martian

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Megan/Miss Martian

And Kaldur/Aqualad

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And Kaldur/Aqualad

"Well, I'm Mina, and it is always a pleasure meetting the people who killed your family, right?, but I don't have time for 6 IRRESPONSBLE kids that like playing to the superhero, so I'm going, and don't follow me, they have already told me where i...

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"Well, I'm Mina, and it is always a pleasure meetting the people who killed your family, right?, but I don't have time for 6 IRRESPONSBLE kids that like playing to the superhero, so I'm going, and don't follow me, they have already told me where it's my room" I shouted in their faces, and run towards my room, well my intention was to run, but I flyed instead, which made them all fall against the floor with a big crash.

Robin's POV
"Wow, she's really angry" Wally said getting up
"Aahg this is all my fault" I shouted and ran to my room
I walked besides the training room and saw a mad girl with a sword, Wow! She is good, I thought. Mmm... she looks more sad than angry. I walked to her, but I think she heard me, because in one second her sword was very close to my throwht.
"I won't hurt you Mina" I said before noticing she was crying
"That was the same thing you said to my parents?"
"Mina I'm sorry, I know I killed your family, and your dimmension, and I know it hurts, but you won't get to the solution if you private yourself and put swords on your teammates throwhts."
"I miss them Robin, I miss them with all my heart" She said putting the sword away and falling into her knees
"Please come with me, it'll be better if we talk with the others in the living room"
"But, what if your the only one I trust to, and I'm mad with you?"
"Don't worry the others are much trustable than me, little beauty girl"
"How did you just call me?" She asked confused
"Little beauty girl, that will be your secret nickname"
"Ok, I don't have any problem" She said as we both laughed.
"First, can we see what powers do I have?, I actually don't know." I chuckle, she said it as if it was like not knowing your name.
"It 's ok"
"Mmm... let's try flight and super strenght at the same time, I'll try to fly while I get that brick up"
"Ok let's try, but be carefull"
She tried flying and after a while she achivied balance, now it was time to pick up the brick. She take with her hands as if it was a feder.
"Thanks, it is not that difficult once you are already-"
She loosed balance and crashed with me wich made a loud noise. Which alarmed the guys, that came rushing to the room and laugh at our position. Mina was completly on top of me, and the brick had fallen onto my face making me to shout an 'auuuuch' noise
"I thought I was the one with bad balance 😂😂😂😂😂😂!" Wally said laughing
"Oh come on it's her first time"I said taking the brick out of my face.
"Oh, I-I'm sorry" Mina stand up with an asheamed face
"It's ok Mina, didn't you heart yourself?"
"Mhm...we exist guys" Artemis said coffing
"Oh, sorry for being like that before, I was angry, and I just blamed you, but I know it wasn't your fault" Mina said with a red face, she looks beautifull when she blushes
"It's ok Mina don't worry,we're not mad at you, aren't you hungry, I baked some cokies" Megan said exited
I couldn't do nothing, but laugh, she was becoming part of our family

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