~Chapter 10~

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It's been about two weeks since harry 'took me' and life hasn't been that bad. The first few days were the worst. But it's not that bad. Now that he trusts me.

He hasn't hit me since that day. I've tried to snoop and find an escape. Tonight he said if I was good he might take me out. I hope he does then I might have a chance of being saved. I really don't mind it here though. But I miss doing whatever I wanted to do. Harry gave me a iPod, with games and music I'm just not allowed to have wifi so I don't mind that.

I'm only allowed to watch what harry wants me to watch on tv so that's kind of annoying. And I can only eat healthy stuff. It gets pretty annoying but like harry said its better than being tied to a bed. It gets lonely sometimes I wish I could see some of my friends.

But nooo dick whole harry had to come and kidnap me. I'm so done with him. It's like he's inside my mind and knows what I'm thinking. I find it kind of creepy just how much he know about me. I mean before he took me I only lived in my new house he stole me from. So he must be very good at stalking.

One good thing that has came out of this whole mess is he spoils me with clothes, jewelry, shoes, exctr (or however you abbreviate it. Lol). But I can show them off to anyone. Like I said he's 'supposed' to take me out tonight.

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