Chapter One

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A/N 1 - Hey I just wanted to say thank you for reading this book. It honestly means a lot me. If you think this story deserves it please vote and comment. Also if you have any opinions and advice to give out, don't be shy to speak out! I'd love to hear your views!! I hope you enjoy.

Chapter One: First Day

I am sitting in my Mom's car because she insisted she would be dropping me off at school today. Seeing as it's my first day back, I reluctantly agreed. I told her I could go myself, but she said something about "always having the perfect first day." I shrug it off. What Mom doesn't understand is that nothing can make a school day "perfect". She has always insisted that the first day back is most important, but I disagree.

Important days are your birthday or Christmas. Not the first day of school. It doesn't need to be perfect, and it's not going to be remotely close to it. It never is. Mom turns into the school parking lot, and the car comes to a slow halt right in front of the massive high school building. I never understood why this small town needs such a large school. Half of the rooms aren't even in use. It's just a waste.

Mom turns to me, and I notice her big brown eyes are filling with tears. "My little Roxanne is a junior," she sniffles. I sigh looking back her.

She has always been a bit dramatic. I force an awkward smile at her. As I do this, from the corner of my eye, I notice the "Mean Girls" of Ashdon Ridge- A.K.A, the cheerleading squad. I wait for them to enter the school building before climbing out of Mom's golden PT Cruiser, or as I call it, her "PT Loser." I stole one last glance at myself in the rear view mirror before walking away. The curls in my dark brown hair were falling flat and going in my eyes, attacking them. They replicate my mother's brown ones.

Mom tells me she loves me at least four times and that she is proud of me at least six more before I finally escape from her. Don't get me wrong, I love my mom and I am extremely grateful to have her as my mother. She just, in case you can't tell, really over-exaggerates about "first days."

I step down the sidewalk leading to the double-doors of the high school. I trail behind some familiar faces. Excluding maybe a dozen students, I personally know everyone in my barely populated high school. I'd grown up with most of them in this "everybody-knows-everybody" town.

As I step toward my locker, I scan each and every face in the hallway. I am searching for one rosy baby-face in particular- my best-friend Rebekah's. I've known Rebekah since we were in baby diapers. Her mom and my mom have known each other for just as long. Our friendship was destined to happen even before birth.

I found my locker, and there Rebekah stood! I rush to my best friend's side and nudge her with my elbow to get her attention.

"ROXANNE!" Rebekah shouts, probably scaring the life out of everyone else in the quiet hallway. Her always beautiful strawberry-blonde hair bounces as she jumps on me, hugging me. I return the hug. She dyed a few random strands of her hair purple, it's beautiful and suits her.

"Rebekah, chill!" I laugh out at her excitement. "I'm right in front of you. No need to inform the whole school." I say, nudging her playfully.

"Sorry! I just get so excited when I see my bestie." She says cheerfully.

"Man," I smile, "you act like you haven't seen me in years!"

This past week she had been on a cruise ship holiday with her parents, but it was like she was there with me every single day of the week. She and I were always messaging and video chatting with each other, so it was like she was never gone. My vacation was pretty uneventful. If you count getting soaked by my brother's water gun at six A.M in the morning fun, then there's something completely, utterly, and ridiculously wrong with you.
At least three times a week, Reece, my little brother, would come in my room at the crack of dawn and squirt me with freezing cold water. Never seeming to care about my sheets or bedding or anything at all. That boy is a no good crawly insect who always seems to find other people's pain hilarious.

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