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His eyes were from my dream. The boy who came to comfort me when I was little. "Blue?" I whisper, I know the nickname is weird but he came up with it when he was young so don't judge us. After he comforted me when we were younger we came up with names to call each other his was dragon and mine was..."Red?" i nod my head. "wow, how didn't i know? You grew up to be gorgeous." He tells me looking at me as I looked into his eyes.

After party the next day
Street racing is something I haven't done in a while. Liam and a few gang members are heading down too the tracks and I'm coming along with them. I use to be the best racer but i guess when you haven't been there in years they give it to the second best. I'm going to take my tittle back.

I'm dressed in my red jacket and black jeans. Heading down to my bike i see that the guys were waiting for me down stairs. We head down to the parking and get to out bikes and cars and head to the tracks.

At the tracks

At the tracks there were many people on top of cars trying to get a view of whats happening. The tracks was a just a dirt path thats goes in a circle at the bottom of a hill.

I see people cheering as they see my bike come in view. My signature red bike is my bike i use for racing.

"...And looking into the crowed you see our favourite is back. RED!!!" The Crowed starts chanting my name.

I drive over to the announcer and tell him to put me in for the next race. He nods his head and gets ready to announce the next race.

I ride my motorbike to the start of the race and look to my right and see that I'm racing against the guy who is now known as the 'best'. I nod at him and wait.
"Okay so we have Red competing for her title back, against Ace." he announces.

A girl comes in the middle of the cars with a flag. 3..2...1 And the flag goes down and me and ace are head to head. I speed up a bit more and leave him in my dust. Nearing the end of the tracks i see that ace is right behind me. He starts speeding up and we are now head to head again. One more turn and we will reach the end. I speed up just a bit more and pass the line just before him.

I look to my right and see him get of his bike angrily. "We have our winner back Red!!!" I look to see Ace come towards me angrily. I get of mine as well and stand as he approaches me. He throws a punch towards me but i dodge in time. "hey.." I say putting my hands up. "I'm not here to fight bro" I tell him as I get back on my ride and head towards Liam and his friends. They wait at the top when i arrived.

We watched more races until we heard sirens in the distance. The copes are here. I look at Liam and see him ordering everyone to get in the car. "Get in now!" He says to his friends. "Amelia?" he says to me.

"i'll be fine. Go without me, i have something to take care of?" I see polices getting closer but I'm still in the same spot i have always been in. I see more people leave but I have to get the polices to follow me and lose them. I do this so that everyone has the time to escape before they get caught.

Getting ready i see all the polices on everyone. I start to make circles in the dirt to catch there attention and start heading out. I look at my side mirrors and see i have gotten half of the polices behind me. I smile to myself before i start making random turns. Before i knew it i'm on the highway. I'm far from the mansion so I do something stupid. I ride off the side of the road onto another street at the bottom of the highway I was on. I break and turn and send a salute to the cops that have stopped to look down at me. I turn and see that the other half of polices are on this road as well. I ride off quickly and start to do more turns to see that i have lost them.

I ride back home and park my bike in the parking. I head into the lift and head to the first floor. When i entered i see people pacing around, Worried? These people care about me? I smile to myself but stop when i see Liam look at me. He looks at me and comes towards me giving me a tight hug. I pat his back awkwardly but somehow the hug feels right. He lets me go and looks at me. "I'm okay guys," i tell them. When i look at who was sitting on the couch i get worried. These people don't want anything to do with gangs so why were they here?


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