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After waking up from that dream, i look at my phone and see that it's six pm. My fight starts at eight and Lucas and Dylan are probably at the underground street fighting place opening up. Collecting my stuff and washing my face i head down stairs with my bag, getting my protein bar from the counter i head out the door. After I get my motorbike I make my way to the underground street fighting place called the box. The name is weird but the place is awesome. I wear my hoodie that had red labelled on the sleeve and it covers most of me so my identity is pretty hidden. Being a street fighter, I have made many enemies that want me dead and many people who want me to fight for them.

The guards let me through and now i'm surrounded by drunk man and women, music blasting through my ears and two fighters fighting however one of them seem to be new to this. I go to the bartender who also signs people up to fight.

"When's my first fight?" I ask him, knowing he's trying to see my face. 

"You're Red, the undefeated fighter in three states!" He says with a smirk. I give him a nod waiting for him to tell me when my first fight starts.
"Omg, my friends are not going to believe me when I tell them I met Red. Can I have a photo with you?" I watch him fangirl over me. Dylan saves me from the dude from taking a picture.

"Red, ur fight is next, get ready." He orders me. I raise a brow at him but do what he tells me.

"AND THE WINNER IS SHADOW!!" Lucas announces.

After two fights.

"OUR NEXT FIGHT WE HAVE...SHADOW.....!!!" Lucas says into the mic. " AGAINST THE ONE AND ONLY, UNDEFEATED....RED." The cheers from many people made me cringe as I entered the ring. The ring that i met due to everything. 

"YOU KNOW THE RULES.... FIGHT!!" Lucas tells us and we get into position. He looks me up and down and then straight at me. 

The fight is finished if one of the fighters tap out, are unconscious or dead. Brutal, but what else would you expect from a street fight. 

He has a smirk on his face as he watches my every moves. He fights pretty well but I could sense he wasn't here to fight. 

A few minutes past and the guy is still putting up a fight. He was breathing heavily holding onto the side of the ring with one hand as he holds his broken nose with the other. 

After a few seconds I have him on the ground taping out. He gets off the ground and comes towards me. I look at him carefully but someone calls something out making me jump out of the trance in time for him to grab my hood and pull it down.

There was a few gasp from a few but most people knew I was a girl. I pull my hood up and get out of the ring as quickly as I could. Liam collects my winnings and we start heading towards the exit. Dylan has my bag as well. He passes me my bag and heads to his car. I head to my motorbike to head home. 

I stop at a red light when I hear music turned up so loud that i'm surprised that they aren't deaf. The driver seems annoyed but doesn't do anything. I give him a salute as the light turns green and make my way home. 

I start making my way up to my room. After tonight, I can't help but feel tired out. Once I reach my bed, I'm pulled into a deep slumber.

Dream/ memory (third person)
The little girl watches people past her not even glancing at her. Well, she did look suspicious. That's when a women approached her. She looked kind. 
"Where are your parents?" The women asked the young girl. She had such a soft tone and smile that made the little girl feel safe. She knew she could trust the lady, It was like an instinct.

"My Mommy died, father..." this little girl named Amelia thought hard about it but just shrugs her shoulders after saying father. She knew that he wasn't coming back but that spark was still there, it hasn't disappeared completely. 

"Would you like to come with me?" The lady asked Amelia. This may have seemed dangerous however Amelia's eyes brighten up at the thought of being in a home. She nods her head vigorously making herself dizzy but she smiles it off. Well as far as a smile could go when she was in the position she was. 

Everything gets hazy and now Amelia was at a different place.

The woman name was Samantha, she died saving Amelia from a gang war. She was a kind and welcoming lady who saw so much in Amelia, she believed in her. She believed in her because she saw herself in her.

The twelve year old Amelia drops to Samantha's grave and cries her heart out. Her poor heart felt like she was the reason for this, it felt like it was all her fault. She felt in her heart that it should've been her. She believed that and she also believed she wasn't allowed to love anyone because, they will die too. 

After a while Amelia was taken to a home. That's when she meets Dylan and Lucas. The two people who found their way into her heart even if she didn't want them to be their. 

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