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Ms. Marks continues to explain the test but I can't seem to focus when I feel Jacksons' gaze on the side of my face. I try to ignore it but it seems to annoy me more and more. The teacher has finally finished explaining the test and told us the time we should be back at homeroom in the afternoon. She has now just got up to the news everyone has been waiting for, the football game between Bulldogs and the Devils.

The bell has now rung for my next class, English with Mr. Potter. English was the same; the weird dude was in my class, someone calls out a stupid remark, a few laughs, and did I mention the weird kid in my class. I have a free period at the end of the day but no one is allowed to exit the school grounds. 

The cafeteria is categorized into many different groups, the jocks, cheerleaders, geeks, etc. There are kids playing with their food, not paying attention to what's going on around them, and just being a group of arrogant teenagers. The kids that are considered popular sit in the middle, signifying their importance to the school is always important to them. Me, well I like to stay hidden in the far corner behind a plant so no one could annoy me.

Everyone had gossip to share with each other about people that they barely knew not knowing about the consequences of ruining someone's reputation. Broken or not we are human and feel so much, we feel things that we don't want to and it hurts us from the inside out. It's a slight uneven feeling in your heart when you break yourself by liking someone you know that you can't have. And the harsh truth is, friends won't always be loyal, parents leave out of the blue and nobody cares about what you have to say until your dead.

The ridiculously loud bell rings indicating the end of lunch but some stay behind to chat more with their friends ignoring the nagging voice of teachers telling them to head to their next classes. I'm not fond of being told what to do as it makes me feel not in control but I know deep down that I'm still that weak girl who cried out for her father that left her on the sidewalk. Sometimes that tingling feeling in my stomach and heavy ache in my arms remind me that I miss the feeling of being comforted by another being. I've always thought that maybe I'll be able to have someone one day that will help me get out of my dark past but my life is a series of unfortunate events. I do miss the girl, who had the love of a mother figure until life took her away. Everything changed after that tragic night.

The class hasn't started yet when I entered so I take a seat at the back away from prying eyes. Students finally start to tumble inside the class as the teacher writes random stuff on the board. Mrs. Lawson begins calling out the role and starts going on about what we would be doing today. "We will be starting with two laps of the field and then playing a game of dodge ball..." she explained but was interrupted by a loud cheer from a group of people. Letting out a sigh she continues, "... or we can write up notes about the body and why exercising is important." Mrs. Lawson debated knowing very well that nobody wants to even pick up a pencil. Mrs. Lawson is scary and knows how to put people in their place but can still joke around once in a while. Everyone quieted down knowing how serious Mrs. Lawson is about staying inside.

In the end, we are going to be outside this period, everyone is still in the change rooms probably not wanting to run two laps. Mrs. Lawson calls me over after she sees me waiting patiently.


Very Short Chapter

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