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Starscream had let DeAnn out of his jet mode ten feet from where the signal was as they agreed. Then went to find the signal.

And upon arriving he was glad he didn't bring DeAnn with him because there waiting for him was Lockdown.

He started to fly away when he spotted Lockdown but the bounty hunter shot him with an EMP blast.

Starscream staggered for a few minutes before collapsing to the ground he tried desperately to get up for a few moments before realizing it was hopeless his body felt heavy and it was impossible to move. And he could only lay there looking up as Lockdown stood over him.

"Got you." Lockdown mocked the seeker before shooting him with a second EMP blast that rendered him unconscious. Then carried his catch to a ship he'd brought.

Meanwhile DeAnn realized it had been passed 20 minutes and called the scrap yard but everyone was in recharge except for Knock Out who answered her and went to help right away.

He decided not to wake the others but left a message explaining where he went. He didn't want to bother them if it just turned out to be nothing like Starscream having just lost track of time.

So he was going to handle it himself if he could he'd see what happened to Starscream then they'd both take DeAnn back to the scrap yard and probably have a good laugh about whatever distracted the seeker into losing track of time.

But unfortunately the Austin Martin didn't know how wrong he was. Because on his way to where the signal had been he ran into a purple and yellow mech who he remembered hearing about during the war.

Sideways had been known for being a spy for the Cons. Knock Out had been told by everyone not to trust him.

"Hey Doctor what are you doing by yourself out here at night?" Sideways asked him in a way that made the red spots car feel uneasy. How did Sideways know he was a doctor?

"I'm just going to meet a friend." Knock Out told him trying to rush by him not wanting to deal with him right now.

"Would the friend happen to be Spotlight?" Asked Sideways catching Knock Out off guard.

"How do you know Spotlight?" Knock Out asked him.

"We we're close back in the day." Sideways told him.

"Actually I'm going to meet Starscream." Knock Out said to him.

"Oh good so Starscream survived after I shot that hole in his shoulder." Sideways told him darkly.

"You shot him!" Knock Out yelled at Sideways both angry and in shock. "Starscream almost died."

"And I'm glad he didn't or Liege Maximo would have had my head for it he wants Starscream brought to him alive to learn the location of the Matrix." Sideways explained.

"Then why did you shoot him?" Knock Out asked liking Sideways less and less the more he spoke.

"I was aiming at you and the seeker got in my way." Sideways told him.

"Why me?" Knock Out asked him holding back coolant tears of rage.

"Because I wanted Spotlight to watch you die so she would know she can't have any mech other then me." Sideways told him. "When I joined the Decepticons I tried to get her to join too but she rejected the Decepticon faction and she rejected me."

"When she refused to join the Decepticon faction with me I stabbed her because if I can't have her no one can." Sideways told him. "You can imagine how angry it made me to see her alive and about to kiss another mech."

"Your sick how could you do that to Spotlight?" Knock Out said not able to hold back his coolant tears any longer and now had tears of rage flowing down his faceplats.

"Because I'd rather see her dead then in the arms of another mech." Sideways told him to calmly.

And that did it. Knock Out got his saw out and charged at Sideways more angry then he'd ever been at anyone in his life.

But Sideways blocked it with a sword he had and the two mechs became locked in combat.

At one point Sideways had managed to pin Knock Out one the ground but the red transformer was able to kick him off him.

Then Knock Out jumped up and started to kick him again but Sideways grabbed his ankle and twists his leg as he slammed him into the ground in a heap.

Then started to finish the medic with his sword. But luckily Knock Out blocked it with his saw which he used to knock the sword out of Sideways's servo by spinning it.

But then Sideways shot Knock Out's saw right off his servo and Knock Out was being forced to dodge blast after blast but managed to knock the blaster out of Sideways's hand.

Then the two continued to fight with their fists. And were now both covered in dents and cracks and even leaking energon in places.

Sideways noticed that Knock Out was limping from when he grabbed his ankle and took advantage of this by hitting him in the leg and making him fall to the ground.

Knock Out was trying to get back up but his leg hurt to much. Then Sideways started to finish him off as he put both servos around Knock Out's neckcables planning to rip his head off with his own bare hands.

But Sideways stopped when he felt a sharp pain in his midsection and looked down to see Knock Out had drilled through it with his drill that he'd forgot about.

"That's for shooting Starscream." Knock Out hissed. Then he forced himself to his peds and yanked his drill out and punched Sideways off a cliff they'd been fighting next too.

"And that was for stabbing Spotlight." He added before sinking to the ground too weak, tired and in pain to move. And to make matters worse his com-link had been damaged so he couldn't call for help.

So he decided to rest for a bit then he'd try to limp back to the scrap yard for help.

Then he heard someone coming from behind some trees and bushes he didn't think he could fight right now so hoped it was an Autobot.

But who came out from the other side of the trees shocked him.

"Breakdown?" He moaned weakly. Wondering how his dead best friend was standing in front of him.

"Not exactly." Said the other mech who punched him before reveling his true from as Liege Maximo who had the power to shapeshift which made it easier to manipulate other his favorite thing to do.

Then he stood over Knock Out who was still trying to process what was going on. When suddenly Bludgeon showed up and walked over and stomped down hard on the cherry colored medic's face and Knock Out knew no more.

Then Bludgeon drew his sword and started to run it through Knock Out's spark chamber.

"Stop." Liege Maximo ordered. "I think this one will be more of use to me alive." "At least for the moment." "Bring him back to the ship."

Bludgeon obeyed and roughly yanked up the downed medic. And followed Liege Maximo back to their ship.

To Be Continued.

Wow this chapter was kind of brutal with the fight scene. How are they gonna get out of this one. Well hope you enjoyed the chapter I'll try to get the next one up soon. I know I posted chapter 8 just this morning but I was on a roll so I posted this chapter too. I'm trying to figure out how frequently to update. So please let me know if you think I update either to soon or not soon enough I'm trying to find a balance. And feel free to send feedback.

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