The Humane Monsters

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Uhtred popped one eyes open and looked at where. Ragnarsson had sat, "wings?" He thought to himself.

After the short nap Uhtred and Brida were put to work. Khaana trotted along side them, they passed Kjartan and his son Sven. Kjartan eyed Khaana as Uhtred lead her by her reigns, now in the form of a large black mare. He smirked, Khaana looked him over eying the coin bag in his hands and the small chest Sven was carrying.

Khaana helped Uhtred and Brida plow a small patch of soil. As Brida ran off to fetch the seeds to plant Uhtred turned to Khaana. "How come you're a horse now?" He asked. "How'd you know it twas me I never said a word." Khaana asked him, masking her shock.

Uhtred tapped the corner of is eye, "your eyes give you away." He said with a bit of a smile. He was proud of himself for out smarting a magical creature. "Is that so?" Khaana said slowly "as they dont seem to faze anyone else."

Uhtred chuckled "I bet young Ragnar can tell." Khaana's eye glistened with amusement and she puffed hot air from her snout. "He has seen all my forms of course he can." She said. Uhtred snickered and shook his head "thats not why." He laughed. Khaana rolled her eyes and gave Uhtred a nudge. "To work runt" she said.

Ravnsson stood with Ragnarsson and Guthrum, "we build strong this area, and then we move forward through the lands, find out what information to can of these so called kings." Ravnson said.

Ragnarsson's eye wandered past his elders to Kjartan, he held a pleased smirk on his face that had the smugness of a fox up to no good. A smirk worthy of the trickster god himself. "Jarl Ravnsson, might I speak to you in private?" Kjartan asked.

Ravnsson looked over Kjartan and his son, woth a sigh he nodded for Guthrum to leave "we will speak later, I shall be returning to Jarl Ubba's territory." said Guthrum. Kjartan waited for Guthrum to leave ignoring the heavy gaze of Ragnarsson.

Ragnarsson looked over the chest that little sven was carrying, there was no doubt it was Kjartan's silver - but what was he buying? The boy Uhtred? The girl Brida? If so Ragnarsson knew he had to find a way to stop it or feel Khaana's wrath.

"There is something you wanted, Kjartan." Ravnsson said, it wasnt a question it was him allowing Kjartan to speak and Kjartan knew as much.

"I have come to lay an offer on the table for the black mare you own. You've her plowing fields with the slaves. Or send her loose into the wilds to be food for the wolves. She is meant for battle lord Ragnar." Kjartan said.

"She is not for sale, Kjartan." Ragnarsson said as calmly as he could. His eyes narrowing a bit. "My mare is not standard stock, hard work does her good - nor is she tamed thus i let her roam free it is up to her when she returns. I have a war hound for battles." Ravnsson said.

Kjartan tossed Ravnsson the coin bag, he caught it and felt the weight in his hands. "My swords weight in silver" Kjartan stated. "Swords weight? - you think that is enough?" Ragnarsson questioned.

"Quiet boy, he knows not what he is barganing for." Ravnsson said a slight chuckle mixed into his words as he could not hide his amusement. "I know what I bargan for -" Kjartan said, reaching down he opened the chest, in silde sliver gleamed in the form a taken treasures from various victories he had seen in battle.

"- the Mare, who is the hound, who is the raven," Kjartan paused and gave a sly smile and crossed his arms "who is the elf - I do not know how came you across the creature lord, but I will pay any price." Kjartan stated.

"And what intrest have you in her?" Ravnsson asked, he looked Kjartan from head to toe, "she works hard, is good with children and being that she is her natural form is like fair and beautiful. Sven's mother is taken ill, across the sea - he will need another." Kjartan reasoned.

The Black Dane : The Fools WarTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang