Never Ending Conflict

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Khun's P.O.V.

With a poof their ears appeared as well as their tails. "My head feels dizzy," stumbles Bam. Viole opens his eye and flops onto the bed. He covers his face and coughs. "Mirror," he simply mutters. I realize Bam isn't in my arms and that he's curled up rubbing his ears on the floor. He reaches for his phone but knocks it onto his head. "Ow!"

Pwap! Meanwhile, Viole just casually falls off the bed. I see his ear perk up before he lifts his head into view. "Are you okay?" asks Aguero.

He says nothing in return but continues to stare with drowsy. I turned back and look at Bam's condition but he wasn't there. "What?" I looked back and forth in a panic. Looking closely, his long tail stuck out like a sore thumb.

"Bam, get out from under the bed," I tell him. The tail disappears another pair of cat ears appear on the other side of the bed. Me and Aguero couldn't really be surprised or angry at the moment now. "Hungry," Bam says to himself. I pat my pockets to see if I had anything. Surprisingly, a small three piece chocolate bar was in my pocket for later.

I snap off a piece of the chocolate and bend over to reach him. He planned to take it in one bite until Viole came in and took it between his teeth. "V-viole," he whines. The other looks at the sulking one and leans over to offer a bite. Not appropriate. I quickly snap off another piece and place it in Bam's mouth.

Viole doesn't seem to mind as they both chew the chocolate delightful. Aguero looks like he's enjoying this. "More opportunities*." Hearing that, I smack him on the head.

A/N: Aguero plans on "teasing" them more.

"You left a few smudges, Bam." Viole licks the chocolate smear off Bam's cheek.

"Hey, Neko Viole, stay back from Black Sheep," growls Aguero.

"I don't have to listen to you."

They made intense eye contact with harsh glares. To my surprise, they stopped immediately after a grandfather clock chime was heard in the distance. It's the next day already? "Ha! Bam is mine today you p-"

"Shut the hell up, you're loud," I tell him.

Bam stretches on the bed and balls up on the blanket. Viole turns his head away, clearly upset. He leans in and gives Bam a quick lick on the cheek. His response was rubbing his ear on his cheek. I couldn't help but laugh over how adorable this was. "Sleep well, Bam."

Aguero places a blanket over the small body and tucks him in. "I'll take him to his room later this morning," he says.

〰〰About 3 Hours Later 〰〰

Aguero's P.O.V.

I carry Bam off the bed and walked through the halls. Viole walks next to me and stares at Bam to see if he'd wake up. "Hey, Viole." Hearing me speak, he turns his eyes to look up at me. "How does it feel being a Kemonomimi?" I ask.

"Bam wondered what we'd look like as these so I don't really mind it," he tells me.

"You are an interesting pair. You have secrets don't you? Why don't you tell us what's really going on in that head of yours." He stops abruptly.

"I'm sorry, but I can't concern you with my problems, Khun Aguero Agnes," he says coldy.

I set Bam next to the wall with him sitting up. "You're different. It's really starting to.. bother me."

"As I said the first time; I can't concern you. Even if I did, whatever happens may be my fault."

The moonlight shadows half of his face, revealing cold, amber eyes and pale cheeks. I clench my jaw and stand up.

My fist grasps onto Viole shirt as I threw a violent punch into the side of his head. "You can't keep hiding things forever! It pisses me off when you blame yourself for every damn thing that happens!"

He quickly recovers what happened and shoots back quickly, "Why don't you stop caring about me then?" His dead eyes look back up at me. "It'd be better if you'd just forget about me!"

I'm suddenly blown off the railings and down the stairs. "This hurts me as much as it hurts you," his voice echoes. Footsteps grow louder as he walks down the stairs. I spit out the blood and stand up. My light houses illuminate the dark room just like before.

"I refuse to let you stand in front of me and take the hits meant for myself!"

"Ha! If you wanted to protect us then you would've came back!"

He bites his lip and blasts another attack. The light houses guard me but they soon crack. "Why won't you just understand and leave me be?" he yells mournfully.

It wasn't long until I was forced back into the wall. I pick my self up and punch him in the stomach hard enough knock him onto the stairs.

"You're not Khun.. and I'm not Bam but," he coughs out the words as a layer of water covers his eyes. "it hurts so much and it feels so real to me. I can't stand having to keep seeing your pain. Why can't we find a day where everything is normal? Why can't we ever be happy?"

His hands weakly cover his eyes as he begins to sob silently. I stare silently, contemplating whether I should cry with him or yell at him for being an idiot.

Instead, my legs wobble over to him but fall just a few steps next to him. "I'm sorry for my stupidity, Bam," I say to him. With all the strength in my arms, I crawl up to him and hold him tightly. This seemed so familiar.

"Khun, please forgive me.. I'm sorry. I'm sorry," he sobs. I pat his head and his drooped ears as I bring him in closer.

Bruises covered our body from head to toe. This might have been the first fight we had. But why over such a silly thing? He cries over us but not himself. Bam always cared about anyone but him. I'm afraid of what he will do in the future.

"Bam, get on my back. I have to get the other one before he wakes up or catches a cold. Is that okay," I ask. He wipes the tears from his red eyes, not minding me using his read name and nods. I carry him back up the stairs and head back to Bam who was fortunately asleep. Both of them are very light and it's kind of worrying.

I'll get into the details of everyone's secrets and relationships soon. I know that what was going on was escalated very quickly so I will explain why this is happening another time. Thanks for reading!


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