This Fateful Day

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[Warning: Here's the Angst!]

Aguero's P.O.V.

We topple over each other trying to get out the room. I'm most definitely sure that each one of us received a new bruise because of that but that didn't stop us. Everyone wasted no time heading to the testing area.

Every person lines up next to their partners as the rules were thoroughly explained. The test is said to be about multiple rooms and doors that have different tasks that must be completed. The tasks will make make you do many things such as solve puzzles or even fight one another. There will be 3 doors meaning there'll be 3 tasks. Using shinsu is not allowed because what the task asks will provide. If not, it's already there.

Bam holds his hand to his chest and continues to look forward. I lift my hand and tossle his hair. "Cheer up, Bam," I say to him. I move my hand, comforting him with a grin. "Thank you, Ageuro. I'll try my best!"

A door is set out for every pair to go through. We walk through a door and observe the area. As we step through the door, the slam echoes around the room. The box in the center of the large room shows it's task. I turn my head up to read the task.

"Eat a donut on the string without your hands." It reads. I laugh quietly and shake my head. Ridiculous. Two donuts fall from a ceiling and stop with the string. Bam jumps up on his toes to reach the donut. Honestly, how stupid is this. With my height, I take a bite of the bottom half of the pastry. It has a sweet taste of vanilla.

I quickly finish the snack and look at Bam's progress. He had only one small bite at the bottom but was still determined. I kneel down with my back facing him. "Try getting on my back. It didn't say that you can use some help and I'm not using my hands!"

"Ha you're right! You're really good at this," he praises. He's so much sweeter than that donut. I'm so glad he's a bit shorter for the time being or else this would've been awkward. He climbs onto my shoulders as I lift him up. I laugh as he keeps missing his bites. Once he had finished, a door appears to the left and a door knob pops onto it. I place him back onto the floor, stepping cautiously towards the door. Bam's hand grips the door knob and twists, pushing it open without hesitation.

We walk in as I admire his bravery for a minute. The door shuts the same as the box appears once again. Bam decided he would read the next one. "Jump?"

The floor rumbles as the slides in the ground fall. Bricks rearrange around the whole room as we are being separated. "Ageuro!" I hear Bam shout from the distance. The room darkens and the stone slabs we stand on faintly glows.

"Bam, are you alright!?" I shout.

"Yeah, we just have to hop through these bricks!" Yes, it did say to 'Jump'.

The light from the slab I currently stand on disappears slowly as I make my trail. I call out Bam's name just to check on him. My heart warms when I hear him say that he is okay. I continue for a while maybe about 10 minutes or so?

"Bam!!" My voice echoes. I wait for a response but none was heard. "BAM!?" I shout hopping onto another brick. My head flips back in forth until...

"Yeah?" His face and mine meet unexpectedly, causing me to almost fall backwards. I lean forward a bit too much and fall into his arms. "Oh my lord, you scared the life out of me, Bam. I was so worried when you didn't respond," I say hugging him and rubbing my cheek against his. He smiles softly and pats my head. Wait this isn't how it should be.* We stood on a whole small floor of pavements. This must be a break area.

A/N: Refering to their position.

"I'm sorry, I was working on these last steps," he says pointing at the illuminated blocks of rock. I look further to see the door in the distance. "The gaps are too far apart for me to go through. I don't even know what happens if we do fall."

I think about this carefully. My finger taps against my thigh as I take in a deep amount of air. "Can we use your light houses?" he speaks up. Oh I'm so proud of him. "You're so smart! I didn't even think of that myself!" I spoke honestly. He laughs dryly.

I follow behind him as he jumps from cube to cube. We eventually stand in front of the door and high five as an accomplishment. Bam opens the door and waits for me to go in first. I take my foot and enter the next room with Bam behind me.

The box clatters onto the ground. It has no words on it and it doesn't seem to bring back the brightness of the area. My lighthouses were the only source of light. Bam places his hand on the box and it disappears. CRRACK!! My feet fall through the floor as my half of room falls apart. Bam quickly reacts causing him to instinctively grab my wrist in an to pull me up.

A box floats behind him. "Say to 'let go'" It reads. I don't think Bam could do that. The rock under his hand begins to crumble. He can't hold on for long. "Bam,.. let go of me." His expression shifts and it ended up being too painful for me to look at. "What are you talking about?" I see his eyes move up then back at me. "I.. I can't do it! After all that had happened, how can you expect me to let go-"

"Bam, I know and I'm sorry," I quickly cut him off. The room slowly collapses and large chunk roughly scrapes against his shoulder. He flinches and sucks the air through his teeth, refusing to release my hand.

I sigh and forcefully grab his wrist with my free hand and roughly pull him off. I am just a copy after all. He has the orignal Khun to look to. "No please don't go. KHUN!!"

My head turns to look at the pit of spikes that I was diving straight into. For a moment everything stops and slows down. The blood from my lips appears to be hovering above after I had bitten it. I could see the tears fall from his eyes. I really did want to stay with him longer. But I knew this test wasn't set up for no reason.

I don't hate you guys, I swear! It's important in some way! In the meantime afterwards there will be a little less angst..

Is Bam alright..?


[A Tower of God Fanfiction] [DISCONTINUED]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن